Translate   11 years ago

Birthdays.....hmmm, I'm not sure what I think of them are we mourning our youth or celebrating being tell me. On birthday cards there's always one person which spells your name wrong or the gift you hate but you feel to guilty to return it.. My 13th birthday is coming up in a few weeks and that's the age when your officially a teenager, But I don't want to be a teenager, I don't want to got through Puberty and don't get me started on hormones. Their up and down all the time and you can't control your feelings, one time your laughing the next your crying and before you know it your yelling I hate you whilst threatening to run away. I am just starting to become a teenager, I know this because today my mum would not let me wear a dress I wanted to wear because it was to short. (It was only just above the knee) when she said that I knew I was reaching the wonderful world of teen kingdom. Also I have a craving chocolate every time my time of the month comes, if I carry on like this I'm going to be big as a house. Also I am allergic to milk so my bad mood is doubled by stomach pains. I am not a party person but everyone I know is. I mention my birthday NOT inviting them to anything and the next thing I know there writing the date on their diary and texting all their friends about my non existent party. One more thing just to do with me I have a birthday curse, every year literally EVERY year I have been ill, proper ill on my birthday. On my second birthday I was in hospital plugged into a ventilator. So I have never really enjoyed birthdays because running back and forward to the loo is sort of a mood killer. Everyone has at least one friend who is rich, who has everything they want or need and they always have a super market full of presents on their birthday. When your poor and in 10,000 pounds in debt it's sort of hard to find the perfect gift. I normally just slap a fiver in a card but when they open it, the look of disgust they give you is terrifying.... ungrateful brats. I would be over joyed if someone put £5 in my card. I have a long way to go until I reach the one every one dreads 40, the time where mid#life crises starts, men leave there wife's and woman have makeovers and suddenly realise how fast their #life is gone and what have they actually achieved. So until them I'm just going to cope with my birthday curse, live in the moment and try not to leave to many regrets along the way.

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