Traducciones   12 años

Chapter One: The Party "Sadie! Charlie and jimmy are here and they brought Taco Bell!" Shouted Anna. O_O "TACO BELL?!?!" Sadie screamed in excitement (that sounded wrong, sorry XD). As we sat down for Taco Bell, jimmy and Charlie began to tell us their crazy way getting Taco Bell. They told us how the Alpacalypse had just began. "We had to crash through the newly fixed window to get the 169 tacos!" Exclaimed Charlie. (Charlie is Anna's 'twin' or partner in the comic business). Jimmy added, "yeah, we didn't have enough we just stole them."(^ω^). After that , we just went crazy! The burritos turned out to be mutated to where anyone who ate them would just go crazy and have no clue what they'd be doing. Charlie started singing kpop songs at the top of his lungs, jimmy started poking Sadie in places he never had poked before (her face DUH), Sadie was acting like yoshi, and Anna jumped on a chair acting like the chair was a llama on fire and she had just stole a little kids hot dog! It was a very crazy night for everyone.

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