Traducciones   12 años

The Bataan Death March, 1942 "I walk and walk.. I drag my feet behind my #lifeless body. I hear him say: 'no more..' He wants to stop, because he knows. I still keep on walking. Am I trying to survive? Why? It seems so very pointless, though I keep going anyway. He falls on the dirty ground and I know this, because he was not the first one to make that sound. The one they make, just before leaving this world. He was one of many who's #life ended on this road to hell." The walk of shame, they told me, This one, you could not foresee. Dry days will take your head, Better keep up, or soon you'll be dead. What fate will you choose? It may not matter, For mother nature too, will make you loose. Get up, keep on walking There is no time for rest. The Japanese will end your #life, It's not a game, don't put it to a test. Again, that horrible sound, When a soldier's body hits the ground. I told him to move along, To the heavens, he will now belong. Twice came the shots, I couldn't get myself to look, As a fighter he will be in my thoughts, And as a man of honor in the book. Cap's pockets were searched. The big guy found a yen, Anger again riddled this man. This time the horror was clear for me to see, The thing that no one could foresee. He swung his sword over my friends' head, The body fell on the floor with hands opening and closing spasmodically, Again, another one dead. © Ceyda Gundogan 2013. All rights reserved

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