Cherry blossom Embers It floats away from the flames, leaving The rocks to smoulder gently away. I follow it, and I watch as it pulls cherry blossom petals from trees; They fly hand in hand. It makes dew drops Ripple as it kisses them, like the knuckles of An eagle on a Canadian lake. A crispy fragment of paper, bronzed by The flames, and singed at its sides. But it still lies back on the breeze, Staring up at the sequinned sky As blades of grass feather it's back. Why did the wind choose to sweep it From the coals, where it would have peacefully burned, Blissfully unaware into nothingness? It would Have risen, effortlessly away as smoke, Invisible against the nights sky. It comes to rest on the precipice of A mighty boulder. I sit beside it, And in the fading day, I watch The smoke rise and vanish, in the last glow From the street-light orange coals.
Emma Hine
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Jack Saunders
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