3 My Not So Fabulous Blog) Today I got a permission slip to go to the circus this Sunday. And I can't wait!! I am going to buy a pretty sundress and boots! I hope I am in the same group as Peter. Today at school was okay, we played Zombie in the school yard and did little work. I got my report card today.... My average is a 94. something! I went down last semester but went up! My friends talked about going to places like DR Bahamas Mexico Puerto Rico Jamaica Hawaii Italy Paris And a lot of other places... It was like torture! I never go any where with my parents because we can't afford it and I haven't been outside the state. The only time I go places is with my aunts over the summer or on the weekends, that sucks, royally. My dad is always glued to the tv and barely talks to me, my mom is always sick, and my little sister is annoying! I wish I was someone else sometimes so I would be in this odd body! Why odd? I was born with 2 birth defects and a sickness doctors have no clue about, seriously they don't know what is wrong with the chemicals in my body, and when I was born they knew so little, they literally put me in a bubble for 2 weeks. Bye!

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