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Love At First Sight-5 Chapter 5 ----------------------------- Kai had to sit Olivia down by force there was no way she wanted to play the game. She liked a good game but this involved going into a closet and let the person who spun the bottle do whatever they wanted with you for ten minuets. It was Kai's turn to spin, he spun it like there was no tomorrow, the bottle started to slow and it landed on Olivia she was in a daze so she didn't notice, Kai stands and grabs Olivia and pulls her into the closest closet he could find. "What happened?" Olivia questioned, she could hardly see his face Kai answers sweetly "The bottle landed on you sweetie." "SWEETIE!!" Olivia shouts. Kai's hands wrapped around her wrists and she was pushed to the ground her red hair was all in her face. Kai's face was closer to hers and he kissed her with the song "My First Kiss" playing. Olivia got one of her hands loose and pushed him to the ground and brushes the hair out of his face and she sat up. "Is ten minuets up yet?" Olivia said with her arms crossed "Nope." Kai replied she could tell he was upset because he only got to kiss her cheek. "We could try again." Kai said, Olivia shook her head. |•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|• To Be Continued...............

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