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Phoenix Warrior Part 1 Chapter 2 I followed the villager to his house and when we entered the villager said to his wife "Honey, remember the prophesies? And take a look at out guest." Then his wife said in astonishment "Oh my, it can't be." then the villager said " We haven't introduce ourselves yet." and i said "Oh, I'm Ergyn." and the villager said " I'm Lorgan and my wife's name is Celenia." then me and Lorgan went to a room and he said "Now, theres a part of the prophecy that says that The Chosen One shall learn the secrets of the Phoenix Warrior inside the caverns of Mount Eldar where there a lot of scorpions, and it is said that only The Chosen One can befriend the scorpions and get to the wall of hieroglyphics that can only be red by the gift you have." and i said "My gift?" then Lorgan answered "The prophesies say that you have a gift which lets you read and speak different languages. We shall go to Mount Eldar by tomorrow, and now you should get some rest, Holmar knows about the prophecy and he will guard Mount Eldar from you.

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