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Forbidden Secret - Chapter Five Ceilo POV "Next week, you will have an assessment on this specific topic. So, make sure you all study hard and do not fail. I expect you all to get A's. Ok, class dismissed." says our Chemistry teacher. Finally! Four gruesome Chemistry lesson is done! Damn that is brain-cracking. I put a small note on my diary so that I won't forget about the assessment. I nonchalantly packed all my stuff in my bag when one of my classmate came up to me. I slowly stood up and say, "Hi, how can I help you?" then smiled. "Hi, my name is Juvine Lucero and you?" she said smiling. "I'm Ceilo Salvatore, nice to meet you Juvine." I replied giving her a little smile back. "Nice to meet you too!" she said beaming at me. "I'm new in this college, so maybe we can be friends and hang out together? I kinda don't think I can get along with everyone because I feel out of place with their style and all." she told me shyly. Oh no...friends? I was a little taken a back when she said that. Juvine as I can tell is the nerdy type of girl. She wears a metallic eyeglasses which has a little bit thick lenses. She has beautiful pair of eyes, it is round and pale green in colour. Her black hair is quite long, it flows both sides of her shoulder and at her back reaching about the middle her back. She is a little bit taller than me, probably around 5'4 ft or something. Her skin is silky white and it looks like it is really smooth compared to mine. I am always so pale. I quite hated it. She is beautiful and smart - based from her performance in the class. I don't get why would she wanna hang out with me. It's not like I do not want to have just that I am scared of being betrayed again... I was brought from my own world when she talk again, "Is that a 'no' then?". Her eyes looks almost sad with the look and her smile turning to a small smile. I replied quickly, "Oh...of course, I am also new and does not have any friends at all in this school yet." while smiling. "Yay! Let's go for lunch?" she said. Wow, she can change her emotions quite minute she almost have a frown on her face then later on beaming so much, looking as if she is as bright as the sun. She dragged me down the canteen and realising again why this has been my hated place in a school or college. It is bloody noisy! We sat at the non-crowded part of the canteen, near the windows at the very end. She went to buy her meal and I sat down waiting for her. I took out the sandwich I prepared earlier this morning and a bottle of water. I have never eaten food in canteens mainly because the amount they give students is too much, so I never end up finishing it and is just wasting them. Therefore, I bring the exact amount that I can eat. Few minutes later, Juvine came back with a plate of salad with caesar dressing, a bowl of mixed fruits and a can of soda. Wow, healthy. "Welcome back," I said smiling. I need to get use to using this fake smile... "Thanks! There isn't much to choose from there and most of them I don't like, so I end up with just these." she said smiling back. "Oh, I see. But then again, that is very healthy." We started eating and chatting at the same time. I learned that she is from Japan but was born here. Her father is from Australia but lived his #life in Japan and her mother is from Japan. She has two siblings; boy and a girl that are younger than hers. We talked more and I am glad that she is very talkative. All she asked was where I am from, and replied that I was born here but has a Spanish background. Thank goodness, she didn't asked more...I am not ready to talk about anything is a past that is so hard to control my feelings on and forget. It is painful remembering it again... Luckily, the bell for the next lesson rung and we had to go to our separate ways. Juvine went for her Physics lesson and I went for my Art lesson at room AR - 2.5. We started with a little bit of introduction of the topics we are going throughout the year. I listened carefully, taking notes down as the Art teacher continue her lecture. Later on, she went on doing the class attendance. "Tristan Garcia?" she asked. I looked around to see where Tristan is, but he isn't anywhere. Wow, first lesson and he isn't here. Suddenly, "Yes ma'am! I am present. Sorry I am late, I was called by the head teacher and got lost a little." he said calmly while walking towards the teacher's table and giving her the note. She quickly read through and told him to take his sit. This guy always comes late. I bet he isn't even as serious with his subjects. He sat at the back of the classroom. Our first task was to do our own styled drawing, painting or anything we fancy. Then, she will choose one student work that will be posted at the 'Art of the Month' wall. Sounds fun. I am already having a silent debate with myself if I should go for painting or oil pastel. I've always loved going for painting, but maybe today I will go for oil pastel. "You guys can start now and you have about 40 minutes to finish your piece. Off you go!" she exclaimed happily. A little excited? I laughed inwardly. I have no idea what I really wanna draw. I just let my hand worked on it. I started by lightly colouring the canvas with a light blue oil pastel, a stroke of colour green at the bottom of the canvas. Slowly, my first art piece is starting to take form. I continue to add details on the drawing until the time was up. I finally finished and as I look at it, it looks awfully familiar. My work is a meadow covered with yellow dandelions, a river flowing across and the background stood a tall gigantic tree. Its like a paradise. My Art teacher and said "That is beautiful, Ceilo! Very nice. Well done." then gently pats my back. Few of my peers came up and glanced at my work then complementing my hard work. I smiled and replying them with my thanks. I stared back at my drawing, this place again... "Well, you guys surely showed me amazing drawing and painting talents. You all deserve a clap!" she said and started clapping then we joined in. When the clapping the died down she continued, "The work that is going to be posted at the 'Art of the Month' wall, is no other than...Ceilo Salvatore's art piece!" she exclaimed and they all started clapping. I was shocked but thank everyone again. Then, five minutes before the lesson ends we started to pack away all the materials we have used. The end of lesson bell rung and its finally home time! Chemistry has drained my brain today. I met up with Juvine in the hallway and said our goodbye's and see ya's with each other. It seems she has to stay for a bit for another subject. I quickly walked out of the college campus and went straight towards the main road bus stop. I sat on the bench under the bus stop shed. It seems like it's going to rain in a bit. Damn, forgot my umbrella at home. Oh well, I will just run fast if it does. Few minutes later, I heard some footsteps. I turned around and saw Tristan Garcia about to sit on the other end of the bench. He caught me looking and said, "Hi, Ceilo." with his usual smile. "Hi." I answered back. I looked back the other way to avoid his deep-blue gaze at me. He is the first guy or person I have encountered to have such lovely eyes. I wish mine was that colour too. It wasn't too long until he spoke again, "So, how was your day, Ceilo?" I looked his way again and replied, "Tiring." "I agree. That Chemistry lesson was long!" he exclaimed. I nodded in agreement. I really have anything else to say but it seems he didn't want to keep the silence between us for long. "You must like Chemistry, huh? I noticed you was really into learning those reactions." he stated his observation of me during Chemistry lesson. "Hmm, I guess so. Find it interesting." I replied, then added, "Don't you like it too? I mean you are in my class afterall." I thought I saw a little excitement in his eyes, then he quickly responded, "I do love Chemistry and I agree with you it is interesting." I just nodded and smiled. Then, a minute later the bus came and I took out my bus pass. I sat at the far back and Tristan sit on the opposite chair in front of me. Well, I just hope he isn't as talkative as Juvine. I took out the book I was reading this morning - Angels. I only stared at it though. "What book is it?" Tristan asked. Without looking up to him, I replied "Its a book called Angels. I don't know who the author is though." He didn't reply to it, so I looked up and saw him staring intently on the book. "You've read it before?" I asked. He quickly looked back to me and replied, "No, not a huge fan with reading. I am more of a collector of porcelain items." he uttered shyly. "Oh cool." I replied back. It didn't take too long until we reached our stop. We started walking down our street and I couldn't help but notice that he has gone quiet after seeing the book. Not that I mind or anything. We reached my house porch and waved goodbye at him. He smiled and walked towards his house. I took my key out and opened the door. Ah, home sweet home, Ceilo! I head over to the living room and put down my side bag. Then, went to the kitchen to grab something for a quick snack. I settled for a brunch bar. Once I finished my snack I grabbed my bag and head to my room. The weather is making me even more tired. I feel like I want to sleep now. I settled my bag on my study table. I quickly glanced at my bedside clock and saw its just 4.40 PM. I should do my homework's now, so I can prepare for dinner later. I changed to my sweatpants and jumper, then went to my study table. One and half hour later... There, done! I packed my school materials back to my bag and head downstairs to prepare dinner. I am not much of a cook but I try to feed myself something edible. I grabbed a bowl and scoped some of the soup until the bowl is full. I hurriedly took the bread that I heated quickly in the oven and went to the kitchen. When I was about to sit down the phone rang. Huh? Who is calling at this hour? Hmm... I sprinted down the living room and grabbed the telephone. I pressed the answer button. "Hello, Ceilo Salvatore speaking." I said while slowly heading back at the dining area. "Good evening, Ceilo. Its Axel." he responded with his deep voice. "Oh, good what's the late call?" I nervously asked. He was silent for a minute, "I think you should meet us..." he said. "...time is ticking and it seems you still have not recall anything, have you?" he asked. What is there to recall! I exclaimed in my mind. "Axel, I really do not understand. What am I meant to recall?" I asked quite annoyed. "Would you come and meet us? I will send someone to pick you up. Will you trust me on this? We will explain everything to you. So, would you?" I am silent for awhile. I mean hell! What am I meant to say? What if these guys are like some people who kidnaps young women to sell their organs! Damn my head is hurting. But then again, I can't deny the familiarity that is growing inside me. There is something that I really need to know. "Uhhmm, ok. When?" "Tomorrow night." "You will explain everything, ok?" I asked. "I will, I never go back to my word." he replied. "I will see you tomorrow night then..." "See you and bring the amulet with you, Ceilo.." he said before he hung up. I stood to where I was standing while I was talking to Axel, for a little while. What the hell is going on? I asked myself. I walked slowly back to the living room and put down the telephone then head back to the kitchen. My dinner has gone cold, but I went and ate it. An hour later... I took the Angels book out from my bag and the amulet from the black box I received from Axel weeks ago. I sat on my bed and put down the book and the amulet on the bed. For some reason, I have this inking feeling that these two are somehow connected. I just don't know how. I hope Axel will answer everything. I slowly lay down and put the book and the amulet beside me. But what did he mean by 'we'? Who else is on this? I really need to know everything... Ever since that incident few years ago, my #life has been turned upside down. Who am I really? I didn't knew when I fell asleep... All I can remember was me gazing at the amulet that is flashing brightly then I was dragged to nothingness once again... Darkness...

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