übersetzen   12 Jahre

I Guess I guess it's part of #life, you know, being young, naive, it's funny though, we live our whole childhood crushing on someone, or even looking for someone to be with. I guess it's natural though, sort of like an instinct. At a young age, we want to love and be loved for that companionship, and I don't know about you but when I was with him, it felt right and no we weren't together, but I know he was the one. Can you be in love with someone and not be in a relationship with them? To be honest I don't know, but then again that feeling he gave me, it was indescribably, and anyways I thought he was the one, and we were going to be together forever, I guess I knew there was a risk falling for your bestfriend, but you never think, because in the end we are still young, and we never know what's going to happen, either love or to be loved.

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