Birthday Wish Across the oceans and the seas. separated by miles and the difference in our time.. unexpectedly, our hearts intertwined your air of mystery and coolness, only send my heartbeats to madness, madness of missing someone this much, who would have thought, a random chat with you 3 years ago, could take my heart to a place i never knew, and if meeting you was by chance, i'd take that chance everyday, our distance may separate us, but shall never falter our trust and right now, there is nothin this heart yearns for, than to be there when you open your eyes to the sunrise of your birthday, and till you make this wish come true, i'd say happy bday dearest Kiel, sending my hugs and kisses for you, on your first bday together with me, with hope of many more memories to come, as we continue our journey, with faith that somehow, some day miracles works on our side, and i'll be right where you are, to stay

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