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The Moon Chapter 1 Once upon a time lived a girl named Freya Buchan she is in a family of 6 herself included. She has 3 sisters the oldest one is Caelsa, the second oldest is Chorus and the last but not least Laural , Freya was the youngest of them.Her mum's name is Claire and her dad's name is paul One day Chorus had a fair to go to and she could take anyone with her she took Freya with her, so off to the fair they went. When they both got there Freya wanted to play on hook a duck,the object of the game was to hook a duck that had a number one under the duck, she got the winning duck she had won a trip to the moon. She got to take 5 other people she took her mum her dad and her 3 sisters.They all got to to NASA and went into the rocket they all said. "5 ....4......3.......2......1 blast off." Off they went , 10 hours later they finally got to the#moonthey got to stay there for the night in the rocket there was a shop on the#mooncalled tatta world. There was two lovely aliens liz and bob.Liz was pink and purple and Bob was green and white.Liz was a peek pants. Bob is the the boss of them all in tatta world they have a daughter Abbie she was the annoying one of them

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