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Forbidden Secret - Chapter Four Forbidden Secret - Chapter Four Tristan POV I sat on my swivel chair staring out the window at Ceilo's house. It's a two-storey house which is a little big for just one person to live in. But then again I cannot talk. I picked this house which I believe a little bit bigger than hers. Why? Because I really like large spaces and I love stuffing my house with furnitures and tons of collectable items. As her body guard, as Axel calls it, until she regains her memory, I have to be looking after her - and obviously she doesn't know about this - while she sleeps were she is most vulnerable. Axel and the council made sure I am close to her as much as possible so that protecting her would be a piece of cake. Sadly, they got that all wrong. Ceilo seems to be a difficult person to handle and be friends with. The first time I met her might seem to look like she's really easy to get along with but I was slightly using my ability and I cannot constantly use it. Just because it has its drawbacks. It's already half-past twelve. So far, there's no sign of anything suspicious. That's a good thing because I have not fully adapted my senses on this world. It might take a bit of time for me to completely manipulate things around here. I spun around on my swivel chair, I am just so bored right now. Ring! Ring! Ring! I almost fell off my chair when my phone started ringing. I moved back to my desk and grabbed my phone resting on a pile of books. The usual, Axel is calling. "Yes, Axel?" I asked quite annoyed. He always calls me whenever he wants even though I already told him I would call him myself if something is up. "Someone's annoyed," he said jokingly. "Yeah whatever, what do you want?" I asked. "I'm only checking up on you. Is that so bad?" he chuckled. "Anyways, I only called to inform you that the higher-ups just came an hour ago. They assigned a meeting next week, so make sure you are free throughout. I will send you the information of the time and place soon." "Ok great. Then, during the meeting who's going to look out for Ceilo?" I asked. "I'll deal with that myself." he said quickly and hung up. Sigh. This mission is even making the higher-ups to join in. I do not know the whole story behind why this mission has been ranked top secret when all we need to do is protect Ceilo, but then if the Axel and the higher-ups says so, it really is serious business. Although, I hope we can survive this one without too much casualties. I know it isn't going to be easy but we have to win, no matter what. I am fully aware that sacrifices are inevitable... Few hour has passed when Ceilo's bedroom lights turned on. Huh, why is she awake this early? I quickly glanced up the clock and saw its only 3:20 AM. I slowly got up my chair and tries to sense if anyone is around. Negative though. I guess I am panicking too much. I guess I am going a little bit overboard but then again I better be sure just in case. Failing this mission would mean I am going to be demoted of my duty. Plus, so far, this is my biggest mission. I cannot afford to fail it. Although, those are not going to mean anything if an all out war is to begin again between us and them... Ceilo POV "Wow, am I dreaming? This place is beautiful!" I said out loud while walking at a marbled pathway down at a meadow. It is very spacious and I love it. Its sunny but it isn't hot, just the right temperature and the wind is blowing like it is gently swaying you on a hammock. Beautiful yellow dandelion flowers covers almost the entire landscape, it's actually magnificent. Very relaxing. I continue walking down the path until I reach a river. The clear water flows rapidly down the rocky banks. I can hear Robin's chirping up above near trees. I can see multi-coloured butterflies hovering above flowers to flowers. Nature is beautiful I thought to myself and it made me smile. It's very comforting. I got suddenly distracted when I hear a melody coming from a flute. The type of tune that can put you into the most relaxing slumber. Wanting to listen more to it I tried to trace where is the sound coming from. I walked across the river stepping on the big stones while holding my dress to avoid it getting wet. Once I successfully crossed, I continue walking silently until I reach the end until it revealed me a vast meadow. Although, this one is not covered with any flowers just the greenness of the grasses. At my left, stands a gigantic tree. I mean it is enormous! But it's beautiful. Its leaves happily dances with the wind on its branches. Wow, it's breath-taking. By the roots of the huge tree, someone sits and was the one playing the beautiful melody. The person is facing the vast meadow clearly not caring in the world. As I went even closer I finally get a clear view of the person. Wow, he is handsome... He suddenly stopped playing his flute and opened his eyes and I quickly hid behind the big tree. "I know you are there, come out. I heard you coming this way from across the river." he said calmly with a not so deep voice. I quietly move near him and stood at the right and said shyly, "Uhmm, hello...I didn't mean to disturb you from playing the flute." He smiled and answered, "It's ok, like I said I knew you was coming this way while you were down the river..." I gave him a speculative look and asked, "How can you hear or see me from here to there?!" "Let's just say I knew." he said and gave me a wink. He stood up and walked forward few steps. He turned back to face me but with a serious face this time. That gave me goosebumps and made the hair at the back of my neck stand up. "Ceilo, wake up. We need you. Our world needs you. Come back to us." he said with a sad voice and before I could even respond a whirlpool suddenly pulled me down the ground and was dragged to nothingness. The last thing I saw was that boy trying to reach out for me while I get dragged here. I've been here before, during that last dream. Why? Why am I getting these dreams!? My head started spinning around, it felt like wherever I am right now is literally spinning around. It's making me sick. I got swallowed down again like I am falling just like last time. I abruptly sat up and put my face on my hands. Ugh. Not this headache again. Its too painful! I reached slowly at my bedside table and turned on the lamp. Here goes these painkillers again. I took two pieces and gulped it down with a glass of water. Then, lay back down staring at the ceiling. As I remember what happened in my dreams I got curious. What's the meaning of that and why did that guy say those? I'm going crazy I think. Dreams aren't true. Dreams are just dreams. Will never be a reality. The headache isn't going away soon and I can't sleep anymore after that dream... I glanced up the clock on the bedside and saw its just 3.20 AM. Maybe I will just lay down here and read something, then maybe I would drift to sleep again. I got up slowly and walked towards my mini bookcase. I scanned the rows of books I have collected for years. I chose 'Angels' by an unknown author. This book really fascinates me. Although, it is weird that they never put the authors name on this one. I would really love to know who wrote it. I went back to my bed and started reading from the beginning. I started reading the prologue. We need her. She was our only hope...the one that will save us. She needs to come back... I stopped reading...those phrases...its almost the same as what that boy told me in my dreams...was I dreaming about this book? Ugh...this headache! I put the book away and lay back down. I hope it will calm down soon. Ceilo's Other Self POV Damn it! The seal is too strong in my weakened state. I will not be able to break away from my own deepest consciousness soon. Great, they must have hated me so much to actually put me into slumber for this long... They better hurry the hell up...I am sensing a terrible aura. It is not a good feeling. I smirked and thought to myself, "Your sealing really never fails, Garcia..." I need to be release soon...really soon...

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