Part 2 Of Story ... People say that there are good people and not good people, but I believe there is no such thing, people have good sides and what you may see as bad sides. Watever you do, you are being judged, commented on, liked or maybe even shared. It scares me how those with opinions, who dont go out of their way to suck up, are hated on, their ideas pushed aside be because nobody wants an idea from the that girl or boy. Well let me tell you this, Grace had ideas, opinions that nobody had heard of because she knew they would raise an eyebrow to them, Grace was my bestfriend, a beauty beyond belief, but somehow I feel that's where she went wrong. People judge, and aparantly the way she looked meant she fell into the 'gossip girl' category , she was anything but that. She worked hard at school and she liked her friends. But, she wanted to be loved adored and she wanted everyone to think she was 'nice' not pretty or gossipy. But there was nothing she could do. The fact that she said her opinions out loud meant she didn't gossip, she spoke freely, but somehow this was the reason she had achieved this 'gossip girl' status. Unfair? Yes. She had done nothing wrong..... STAY TUNED FOR PART THREE

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