Ecstasy of my dreams making me addicted (#3) My #life is haunted by my subconscious, whenever it has a chance it brings a lover to me. No matter, whether it’s in my dreams or my daydreams. Unfortunately for me his perfect, his everything I could ever want in a man, but his nothing more but the creation of my subconscious. For many months there was nothing more than great sex in my dreams and when woke I wouldn’t remember a word that he said or how he looked, I would remember nothing but the great feeling of after sex and satisfaction. But recently, his features became sharper and I could finally hear his husky voice and remember the colour of his beautiful green eyes. In our last encounter, few days ago I could finally recognise that he has brilliant forest green eyes, that can look so wild but yet so tamed. I was surprised when he appeared to me in a middle of a café and even more surprised when we had mind blowing sex in the middle of it. He makes my blood circuit faster and heart skip with his presents, but when I realised that it was nothing more than a daydream, I couldn’t help but feel disappointed. It has been a few days since that encounter now and I can’t help but feel the unreleased tension in my body. I tried coping with it, but allowing myself release felt somehow betraying to my imaginary lover. So I jogged, read books and even tried yoga, but nothing seems to work as well as his touch on me. Today it’s a perfect day for outside activities, the sun is high and warm and a gentle wind keeps playing with my blonde locks. I decided that I try cycling somewhere away from the busy city into the calmer countryside, perhaps it will help to calm my twitchy nerves down. My aim is to cycle to a small lake outside of the city. I packed a small lunch in my backpack accompanied by a small blanket and a book. Finally I got myself on a bike and started peddling away from the busy streets. Soon I could see fewer houses and after a while I found myself going down a smaller, narrower road, surrounded by lovely green trees and few pines, making the air smell wonderful and fresh. I can feel my heart slowing down and calmness taking over me. I could see the lake sparkling from distance away, lonely but so inviting. I left the bike near a large oak, I didn’t bother locking it with a chain, because there aren’t any houses for miles from this place. The only reason I knew this lonely magical place is because my dad used to bring me here to fish with him, when I was younger. I climbed on to a small hill next to the lake and took my large t shirt off, leaving me with only a sports bra and cute little shorts. I placed my little picnic onto the blanket and stretched myself on to it. With heavy shades on my eyes guarding my gaze, I decided that I might a swell work on my tan, in my peacefulness, that I been searching in my lovers absence. I flipped myself around a few times, like a coffee bean looking for just the right roast. I flipped again and felt someone watching me, but weirdly enough instead of being afraid, I felt pleased and happy to get his attention. It was that sure feeling that it was him, which caught me off guard. I knew who it will be, the second that I open my eyes. But it couldn’t be true, because I couldn’t remember falling asleep or even trying to. I sat up and to make sure I wasn’t mistaken, but how could I be? His whole presence betrayed him, I felt my heart race and his strong masculine smell feeling my nostrils with him. Gosh I missed these chilling sensations that only he could bring out of my body and soul. He was watching me, with his gaze lingering on different parts of me. His brown hair tousled to the side, like he just woke up. He was wearing black half-length sports shorts with a very loose white top, which revealed a lot of his brilliant chess. I could see little spots of sweat trailing on his chest and forehead, like he just went out for a run and just stopped to rest now. He was sitting on the corner of my blanket with his legs stretched and his large feet crossed. We sat like that for a while, just looking at each other. With each minute passing by in silence, I felt myself growing hungrier and hungrier for him. But I did not want to be the first one to break the silence or to sound too pathetic and ask him to “bong my brains out please” be the first thing I say, so I waited. With silence still being my only companion I noticed slight stubble on his face that was never there before. He looked so young with his stubble showing, no older than 20 which suited me just fine, which made me wonder of my own 19 years and my 20th birthday in two week being just around the corner, wondering whether he will show up on my birthday for birthday sex or maybe not. But I could not kick the thought of his sexy stubble out of my head, I made a little growling sound as my thoughts wondered off on how it would feel on my newly tanned skin. It was that little growls that broke our silence, it almost felt like it made him snap out of his daydreaming or some really intense thoughts that made me wish I knew what he thought. His eyes focused on mine, locking our gazes together, though I wasn’t sure if he could see my eyes through my sunglasses, but was glad for what little cover I could get from his intense presence. I could feel myself craving for him like a junkie needing for a quick fix. I felt one of my hands tremble from the need. He took that hand and slowly kissed my knuckles and then looked straight into my eyes, like I there were no glasses to protect m gaze and said “Hi”. As soon as I heard his husky voice my throat dried out like a dessert and him still holding my hand made my skin ache for more touch. I felt like with every touch and every sound I became more addicted to him. I managed to squeak out a shy “hi” back and he gave me the most beautiful smile, I felt like he could replace the sun and I wouldn’t mind. His touch distracted me, but I somehow managed to find the real me and bring my confidence forward and let it shine “what are you doing here?” I inquired with a voice way more confident than I felt. He cocked his eyebrow at me and said “You know what I’m doing here and what I’m for, but none the less I love the tan that you’re working, looks real sexy” he said with huskiness in his voice making sure I don’t miss a word he says. “So we jump each other’s bones now and that’s it?” I asked with my own eye brow cocked, gosh sarcasm was my thing in these type of situations, not that I found myself in them very often. As per usual he seemed very amused with my question “Well if that’s all you want than yes” he told me with a mocking smile on his perfect lips, making me want to kiss him right here, right now. “Well what else could you possibly do for me?” I asked him bravely and a little angrily, at the fact that he felt so confident. He considered this for a moment, looking at me as though I’m some king of enigma that needed figuring out, before he offered “there’s loads of things we could do, like just talk for the instance or maybe take a swim in that beautiful lake behind you” it took me less than two second to answer him “talk about what? Favourite bands or books? Or besides I can’t swim” I said with shame in my voice. His face lit up “than it’s decided I shall teach you how to swim!” he exclaimed “com on get those shorts off, you don’t want to be riding back with wet shorts now do you?” before I could even say a word to protest, he started taking his own shorts off revealing black tight underwear, he didn’t waste time and took his shirt off next, whilst I couldn’t do much more than just perve at his perfection. He looked at me, with me slightly gaping before he reached to take his underwear off too “it’s not like you haven’t seen the whole package before, now come on, we don’t want the water to get cold now do we?” Now him fully naked and me still sitting on the blanked, he reached a hand out for me to take, as soon as I placed my hand into his, I found myself standing. He cupped my cheek in his large hand and stroked it gently “I missed you” he whispered into my ear, before he kissed me, first so gently than with more need, it almost felt like he wanted to consume my whole being. I felt myself being just as needy. All it took was one kiss and all I wanted was him. I tugged my shorts down, while tongue fighting with him. I felt his hands unclasping my bra from behind, soon tugging it over my head. Freeing my breast, allowing them to bounce and jiggle. I felt myself pushing him down on to the blanket, me on top of him, I could feel him nice and ready to invade me under me. All that separated us was my red lace panties and we finally be connected. I rocked my hips against him. Soon we rolled a little down the hill towards the lake. I could feel his hands tugging at my underwear, soon they wore off and all was left was skin upon skin. We rolled down the hill, like kids playing, except now we played a way more interesting game. We changed places as we rolled, him on top, than me and him again, whilst both licking, biting and tugging at others skin, earlobes and lips. I felt water touching my feet and I froze. He looked at me “don’t worry I got you” he said and picked me up and carried me off deeper into the shiny water. Soon we stood in the middle of lake surrounded by water, I was afraid that he might let me go, but he held me gently against his chest. He made my skin feel like a thousand mini cupids wore running up and down my skin, trying to poke me with their tiny arrows. I couldn’t take not knowing “tell me at least your name?” I managed to whisper out, but all he did was duck his head down next to my ear “I need to keep on working on this enigma card that I have been thrown you know” he said with a sly grimace on his face “to keep you interested, but shall we make this fun? I give you a clue how about that?” I had no choice but to take what he offered so I just agreed to start with a clue, so I shut my mouth and waited for him to tell me something, anything, at this point I would have taken anything from him. “Well for starters I think it would be fair that if I give you this clue, you have to give me something too… it’s all about fair trade and that” he gave me wink and a smile, that would have me collapsing if he wasn’t holding me. All I managed to was simply nod and say “What would you like?” he looked straight into my blue eyes, showing mischief in his “A fair payment, beneficial to both of us how about that?” I could easily read in between the lines, what he truly meant to say was “how about some mind blowing sex!” but he was being to gentlemen like to say it out loud and to be honest that’s all I truly wanted myself. Nonetheless I really wanted this clue too and the sex, well that’s just a bonus. “So the clue… Spit it out.” I commanded finally with more confidence in my voice. His eyes glistened “So you wanted my name, but I feel like it will ruin this entire mystique that has you coming back to me for more. So twinkle toes, all I’m going to tell you is the letter that it starts with, maybe than I stay on your mind a little more.” He said with a cocky smile and a wink “so the letter is… drum roll please…” he dragged his every word slowly, dragging time “where was I again?” I took a long breath and raised my eyebrow high, which was all I could manage to do in order not to slap him for being such a melodramatic diva. He gave slight husky laugh that got my belly filled with billions of butterflies, too crowded, for them to even flutter there wings. “Okay, okay, don’t get your panties twisted I tell yah… damn girl someone needs to teach you patience.” I kept my stance until he finally blurted out “Fine the letter is A, like Angel, you know” with those words he flashed the most devilish smile on this planet, I swear Satan himself would be jealous of the beauty that one such small gesture could have. I couldn’t help, but snort at him “An Angel you say”, but he didn’t want me talking anymore, he kissed me with such urgent need that I couldn’t help but gasp. It was time for me to pay up and in a small way I felt like I was selling my soul to the devil, but truly it was more like I was giving away my heart. Because I knew from now on my favourite letter is ‘A’. His kiss made m needy and hot. Soon I forgot I was surrounded with water, my mortal enemy that always seemed to try and sing me like led into the sea. I shifted from his hands and soon wrapped my long legs around him. I could feel the rough surface of his skin touching and feeling naked back. I knew where he was going the second one of his hands slipped off my back. With no layers separating us, his touch felt more real and when he finally hit his target, I couldn’t help but gasp under his touch. The soft water swirling around our bodies and now not only around our bodies but also around his finger inside my soft spot, it felt pleasurable beyond measure. I was pretty sure that the water level will rise majorly by the time his done with me. Soon I felt myself screaming in pleasure, like a wild animal in the jungle. Before I could come he replaces his master fingers with his pointy sword, with that one urgent thrust making world explode in pleasure. I did not even notice that the thing I screamed out as I came was ‘A’. He kissed my neck and focused his now free hand on my erect nipples. Soon he forgot my lips and nibbled on my tits, swapping between sucking and biting softly on them. Minutes ticked by and I felt him growing hard inside of me again and all excitement within me returned. He started building rhythm between us, making little waves around us. It seemed like we wore the energy and everything else around us was pulsing because of us. I felt myself so hungry, so I nibbled gently on his neck as he grunted with pleasure. We wore connected in ways beyond physical and with him here so near I started to doubt myself, how could something that isn’t real feel so good. I felt myself explode for the second time, screaming that nonsense of a letter out. I knew hearing it made him feel pleased, but if only he knew that I don’t even notice myself doing so. Now sweaty and exhausted in the middle of the lake with him holding me in his embrace, world for once made sense. We stayed silent, still absorbing the pleasure. I knew all swimming lesson wore forgotten for now, but I did not mind. I preferred sex anyway. I closed my eyes for a long minute, absorbing the way his moulded body against mine felt. I felt something furry against my right ear and eye and could not think of a thing that could be so furry and soft in the middle of the lake. I opened my eyes. Instantly regretting. I looked to my right and jumped up. There stood a funny squirrel with its puffy tale looking at me. But I forgot the little fury animal instantly as the pictures from my dream came rushing to, I gasped out “A!” and instantly felt myself start composing a list of possible names, for my dream man. I looked around realising that I never left my blanked and now one of my sides slightly browner than the other, but the dream sex was still worth it. It was only too bad that I will have to cycle home. In a dream or not the after affects felt pretty real to me and I was exhausted, my legs feeling like twigs. But all I did was lay down and grinned at myself, finally where getting somewhere with my real or not so real lover. To be honest I was starting to doubt that he was imaginary who ever say twinkle toes? Definitely not my subconscious, nope… So what the hell is going on? Am I going crazy or has simply just been too long since I got laid in real #life? Anyway now it doesn’t matter, because I felt like I have been fucked thoroughly and it doesn’t matter that it happened in my dreams. It was satisfying.

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