Translate   11 years ago

Forbidden Secret - Chapter Two Ceilo POV Running as fast as I could was my only option right this moment. I don't know where but I have to get out of here, immediately. Looking straight ahead and never looking back. I was too frightened to see what's behind me. I could feel their shadows trailing behind me. All I know is I am definitely in hell. Everywhere I look, there are flames oozing out the ground. I felt like I'm going to get toasted if I am to stay any longer. What frightened me the most were the human faces stuck on the rocky walls? I can hear them moaning from so much agony. I cannot bear to hear them. I started to feel tired as if I can no longer run. I could feel my heart beating ecstatically and breathing became hard for me but my adrenaline kept my feet moving as fast as they could. I felt like I have been running for hours but I still continue until I could see light at the distant. Finally, I'm almost out from this hell! I exclaimed to myself. However, soon enough my hope was crushed by the second I get closed to it, it was a dead end. I halted and fell onto my knees. My eyes gazed at the pool of lava boiling at the bottom of the humongous crater. I was about to cry when I heard growling closing to where I am. I stood up as fast as I could and looked around for another exit. Their shadows were slowly coming closer from around the corner. Fear crawled up to my spine and I slowly backed away. Oh no, what am I going to do? They're going to kill me! I said to myself terrified. When they came in to my view, my eyes went wide from shock and my mind went blank. I stepped back even more and before I could even do anything, I realised I was falling. Oh crap, I forgot I was at a dead end. I kept falling and falling like there was no end to it. Then everything was black. I am nowhere. I felt as I am running away again, but I don't know from what or who. Soon, I suddenly felt being pulled downwards. I screamed but I did not hear my own voice...this is my end... I abruptly sat up and was gasping for breath. Drops of sweat were formed on my forehead and I could feel it tracing down to my cheeks. I pinched myself hard on my left arm and stopped when I felt the pain. Ouch! That hurt! Yup, another of those dream. For a week now, I have been having these weird dreams were I am being chased by something or someone then, I'd be waking up gasping for breath like I ran a marathon or something. I frustratedly ruffled my hair. I don't like these dreams. They're just dreams yet they feel so real. I got off my bed quickly and fix up my bed. I walked to my dresser and when I was about to grab my brush, the black box with intricate design that was delivered to me a week ago, caught my attention. I opened the box and took the amulet out of the box. I lift it up while gazing at its amazing antique design. This amulet is really familiar. That person - Axel - told me in the letter that its mine. Could it really be true? I put the amulet back inside the box and took Axel's contact details. I need to contact him. My mind is filled with too many questions. I need answers. I quickly went to my bedside table and took my telephone. I slowly typed in Axel's number. Should I really contact him? Maybe it's just a prank? I'll just give it a try. I held the phone against my right ear and waited for him to pick it up. It rung for at least three times until I heard him say "Hi" in his masculine deep voice. I would assume he is around his twenties. "Uhh, hi. Axel?" I said. Really confused why am I even doing this. "Hello there, Ceilo. I was expecting your call." he said. So, this isn't a prank. What if he's a stalker? I asked myself. I don't know, after reading his letter and seeing the amulet my curiosity has reached its maximum level. I want to know something and I would not stop until I know everything. "Uhh, yes. I have got the package you sent me. I need to talk to you about this. Could you possibly have mistaken me of someone else? I know it was address to me and my name and all, but isn't that possible? I mean I am not the only Ceilo Salvatore?" I asked hurriedly and nervous. He chuckled and said, "Calm down, Ceilo. Like I said in the letter I will answer all of your questions and no I have not mistaken you with anyone. You are the Ceilo I am talking about in the letter. And, please do not think I am a stalker." Oh wow, how did he know I was even thinking that he's a stalker? Was I even that obvious? I cringed. "Oh ok. So, please explain me what did you mean with that letter? I am really confused yet at the same time I am so curious." I told him slowly. "I will explain to you everything soon. Be patient, Ceilo. But like I have told you in the letter, keep the amulet for the meantime. I promise you will get your answers soon." he said quietly as if someone might hear him, then he hung up. I put the phone down and slumped myself down to my bed while holding on my forehead. Oh man, I thought my questions would be answered. I noticed, my headaches haven't disturbed me for a week now. That's a good thing. Looks like no more of those. I sighed in relief. I wonder what should I do today? But before I could even start thinking of things I can do, the doorbell rung. I quickly got up and almost sprinted towards the door. I grabbed the door knob and opened the door. There at my doorstep, stood a young man probably around my age with a messy black hair, distinct jawline, broad shoulders, kissable lips and super gorgeous blue eyes. I know I should have said something but I was too mesmerised staring at him. CEILO SALVATORE, WAKE UP! I shouted inwardly. I smiled and quickly regained myself. "Uhhh, hi. How may I help you?" I asked politely. Trying my best not to stare but that is too much self-control! "Hi, I am Tristan Garcia. I am your new neighbour and that's my house just across the street." he said while pointing at his house. "I just moved in last night, so, I am pretty clueless of the place. So, just want to ask where the closest grocery store around is?" He asked with a smile, which I may take note, is sexy. "Oh, it's not that far. Once you hit the main road, turn right, drive for a like five minutes and you'll see grocery stores down that area." I said. "Thank you..." he trails off. "Call me, Ceilo." I offered my name. "Nice name, Ceilo. Thank you!" he said beaming his most adorable smile and he sprinted down the road. He is so sexy. Uh oh, shut up! I scolded myself. This is my first time to be so attracted to a guy. Tristan...hmmm, his eyes. So hypnotising. Tristan POV Mission accomplished. I noted in my head. I guess she hasn't regained her memory yet, since I have tried to use my ability on her and she fell for it. It might take for about two days or less until the effect wear off. I am not exactly breaking any law, I just wanted to try if Axel's plan would actually work. But as it seem it didn't. At first, I didn't really know what to say. I had the lamest excuse to actually get to talk to her. I'm sure Axel won't mind much. I laughed inwardly. I was still sprinting down to the grocery store follwing exactly what Ceilo just told me. This is taking sometime, since I have been forbidden to use any of my ability. Which by the way, suck so badly. But I don't really mind it that much. I was about to hit the main road when my phone rung. I stopped and grabbed my phone from my right pocket. I checked who was calling and well, its Axel. Can't he just wait till I report to him at my own time? Ugh! I groaned inwardly. I hit the answer button and waited for him to talk. "Tristan, I am assuming you have already met Ceilo and how many times did I have to tell you that do no use your ability here!" he said sounding pissed. I forgot he could detect my ability. I sighed, "Chillax, yes I did met her and I only tried a bit to see if your plan worked. But it didn't. She easily fell for it." I explained. "Yes, I know. But let's give it a bit of time. She will soon regain her memory. We need her to do it to herself, since it will be hard if we have to make the ritual for her to awaken." he calmly said. He is right. She better come back soon. Or might be too late. I just hope she will soon awaken. She's the last hope... We need her...

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