Translate   11 years ago

Forbidden Secret - Chapter One The pain was almost unbearable; it felt like my head is going to explode at any minute. I have been having these constant headaches for quite some time now. Taking painkillers every day is almost like a hobby. I sat quietly at the corner of my bedroom beside my hairdresser cabinet. My whole bedroom felt like I am on a roller coaster ride and I knew this headache is getting worse by the minute. I gently lean my head on my arms for a few minutes hoping that the pain would go away. I shook my head from side to side trying to ease the pain but still the headache remained. Unable to resist the pain I, slowly, while holding on the hairdresser for support, stood up groggy. I reached for my prescribed painkiller and pour about ten pieces of it on my free hand. I know this is over the normal dosage but I tried to swallow down five tablets before and it did not have the tiniest effect on me. The pain went on and I doubt that taking these ten pieces will have any effect too. I quickly put five pieces first and gulped it down with a glass of water then did the same with the other five pieces. I remained on my position and leaned myself against the hairdresser for about a minute. Then, I slowly walked towards my double bed and crawled weakly underneath the comfort of my duvet. I lay down on my back and stared at the ceiling, feeling if the pain has started to calm down. The pain started to ease down for a bit. I remained calm and let myself drift to sleep but as I was about to close my eyes the agonising pain came back once again. Just great. Ignoring the pain I just let myself fall asleep. 8 hours later.... The rays of light striking my eyelids caused me to open my eyes. Oh, it's already morning. I looked at my bedside clock and its half-past eight. I lay back down again as I felt a little dizzy. Thankfully, taking that amount painkillers helped my awful headache with a long night rest. I got up and lazily walked in front of the mirror. I took a minute to look at my reflection and wow, I look like I have been in hell. My long black wavy hair hung loose on both my shoulders, my skin was pale almost as if I have no blood flowing in me and with one look at my brown eyes you would think I have not slept for days or even weeks due to the bags under them. I sighed loudly. On a positive note, my headache is almost completely gone. Grabbing my purple hairbrush I slowly brushed my hair; afterwards, I walked back to my bed and tidy it up. Then, I went to the bathroom to take a quick bubbly bath to relax my whole body. An hour later... Feeling much better, I sauntered towards the kitchen to prepare myself some breakfast. Yay, for toast, banana, apple and a cup of coffee. I settled my breakfast on the table then grabbed the TV remote and switched it to a news channel. A middle-aged female news anchor came into the view. She was reporting something about a murdered family at their own house. I froze as the scene switched from the reporting news anchor to the bloody house of the family. My head started spinning and it seems my headache had come back again. I felt nauseous after seeing the scene and quickly switched it to a music channel. Ugh! I groaned inwardly. Few minutes later the doorbell rang. I took a quick bite on my toast and hurriedly walked towards the door. I opened the door and a delivery man stood patiently at my door. "Good morning, Miss Salvatore. I have a parcel for you. If you could please sign at the bottom, thank you." he said politely and smiled. I took the parcel and quickly signed and smiled at him then he left. I examined the brown box parcel, "To: Miss Ceilo Salvatore", no wonder the delivery man knew my surname. I further inspect the parcel I have no idea who it's from. I closed the door and went back to the dining table then settled the box down. I ripped off the brown covering revealing a black box with intricate design of swirls and some weird writing. I wonder what it could be, I thought to myself. I lift the lid of the box and in it is an antique oval amulet. It had small sapphires at the edge that are equally separated on the metallic base, in the middle of it is a bigger sapphire in an oval shape. The sides had intricate swirls and flowers on top of it. It looked familiar though but not sure where I have seen it and who on earth would send me such ancient amulet. Weird, I thought. I put the amulet back inside the box and saw a piece of paper. I took and unfolded the paper. The handwriting was elegant. I started reading it... "Dear Ceilo, I am assuming that you are reading this now and received your amulet." Huh? My amulet? Its mine? I know it looked familiar but I don't think its mine. I continued reading... " I know, you are probably wondering how on earth could it be yours. But do not worry about that for the meantime, for now, please keep the amulet and keep it safe. You might be thinking now, who on earth am I? I am Axel Guilliermo. Yes, I do not sound familiar to you at this moment but please be patient and soon enough I will explain everything to you. I will answer all your questions. My contact details are listed on a card along this letter. I need to see you soon. They are closing in... We need you back soon... Axel G." There are so many questions running through my mind right now. What did he mean? Explain what? Why do they need me back? Who is he talking about? Who am I? That is when I started questioning my existence...

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