Translate   11 years ago

Opinions? So I use to self harm. I told My best friend and she helped me through it. That best friend was abused when she was younger but was one of the nicest people I knew.Skip forwards a few months and we were having a sleepover at mine. I got a bit bored so I went to sleep. Woke up, went out, friend goes home. My sister told me my best mate told her about my self harming. I explained everything to her, how she was part the reason I did it. When I finished explaining she just said,'your just weak, if it was me I wouldn't cut over that kinda thing. And your mate. I'd be happy to go through all that for her' She doesn't actually understand how I feel. She told me she wants me to start trusting her but how can I now? My sister likes to think shes better than everyone else but in reality she cries and threatens to kill herself if our parent just shout at her. she's basically an attention seeker.And my best friend, when I first told her she promised not to tell anyone. I specifically asked she wouldn't tell my sister. she obviously meant the best but I don't know how I feel about that either. On top of that I'm literally on the verge of doing it all again. I just want your opinions. How would yo feel towards my sister and mate if you was me? If your really annoyed by this kinda post then say something and I won't do this kind of post again.

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