Traducciones   12 años

Nagrokstar's Untitled Story: Chapter 3 I finally woke up, I was in my room, just for a second, then I was lying on air or something, surrounded by purple mist. Oh, also there were loads of multi-colored blurs all around me. I began to sit up. "Finally," Said a raspy eerie voice from behind. I no longer took my time in getting up, once my feet were below me, I spun around to find myself face to face with a floating purple gargoyle. I took a few steps back, only to realize that I was surrounded, truly within a wall of gargoyles, in any color you could think of, and all were flying. The creepiest thing was they all had soulless eyes, black holes into nothingness pitch black like the last thing you see before your knocked unconscious, I would know. Hundreds of black eyes followed me, as I looked around, then walked around, testing if I was truly trapped. There were so many gargoyles piled so thick that I was definitely going nowhere. I guess now was a good a time as any to ask one of the millions of questions blaring through my head, I ended up squeaking "W-what are y-you?" The "space" I was in was filled with the cackling and howling of gargoyles, or whatever they were. "Well isn't somebody a bit direct?" More howling filled the room. I was a bit embarrassed. I should've had more confidence. "We are the Meledion, an ancient and powerful idea that-" "Hold on!" The purple Meledion raised an "eyebrow" at that, but seemed robe listening. He had a smirk on my face as though my outburst amused him. Wait, is it a him? Do the Meledion have a gender? I'm going off topic. Anyway, I don't want to think about it. "What do you mean "the most powerful 'idea'"?" "All around us, but not in material, there are thoughts, or ideas, everywhere because people are always daydreaming. In fact, we're in someone's daydream right now. Ideas that enough people believe for, or one person devotes their soul to began to grow into living 'worlds' that can exist at the same time as the real world. "You're from the 'real world', the place where ideas come from, the house of mortality." "All right." I say this with confidence, but I'm confused. This whole worlds/ideas thing is messing up my head. " What about the gift?" I had no doubts that they were involved with it now, but at the time I had no idea I was entering the last and the first journey from this world.

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