übersetzen   12 Jahre

iCreated My Own Beauty What you don't deal with in your younger years will torment you in your future. . . Looking back now at my younger years iCan't help but smile. . The battles iOvercame during my teenage years when everyone was hostile. . Why? because iWasn't like THEM. . iHad brown skin. . A small waist, big hips and thighs. . Call me fertile.. Ignorant people hate differences. . iTried not to be like them so iNever took offence. . iJust grew. . Mentally & Physically. . But see. . What's sad is they didn't. . Grow mentally. . They became easily swayed. . By the views of irrelevant folk & the media. . So their notion of beauty never remained constant it changed as society changed and as the media changed. . So did their appearances.. iBumped into a girl who teased me the most recently. . iFelt sorry for her as she was still trying to be someone's prototype based on what the media defined as beauty. . What made me laugh the most is she had got her lips injected with some rubbish. . Trying to be fuller as the person she once hated. . ME. . The "rubber lips" she once hated now she's paying money to have. . She was not so slim now as it was now cool to have a fuller derrière since Pipa. . So again she'd endured hours of pain under the knife paying for butt implants. . Looking at her chest . . iCould see the silicon firm breasts. . But this is the girl who vowed never to have breasts bigger than a C in sixth form. . "Models have small breasts" she always said whilst nibbling on some celery sticks.. When she saw me she exclaimed "You haven't changed a bit" . . iReplied "iDidn't need to I've always known who iAm even if it made anyone else uncomfortable" I refused to ever be the prototype for anything or anyone who sees perfection in photo shopped models. . I'll continue to live a healthy #lifestyle full of positivity & growth. . I have one #life & I'll make the most of it . . I'll invest money on my mind not on my looks. . I'll work with what iGot. . So don't be afraid to embrace the differences in others. . There's beauty in every one of us. . Don't be a cheap imitation that's always trying to fit into society's definition of beauty. . Find real beauty within you. . Beauty isn't what's shown on your TV screens. . The world is a big place. . Always question what's always imposed on you as beautiful or as ugly. . Find your own beauty. . & you'll find happiness x

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