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Hunger Games Fanfic Pt. 6 FYI, this one's a little gorey. This is it. It's now or never. We are the last two. Me and the girl from district 11 are all that are left. I don't know what happened to Melody. I only know I heard a cannon and her dot disappeared from my map. I have to clear out of my home in the Cornucopia. It is very likely that she knows where I have been living. I pack as much as I dare inside of two backpacks and begin my journey. I hike over the rough terrain, sweat pouring down my face. The gamemakers have made it increasingly hot in the arena and it is almost unbearable. I have to stop often to drink and rest. After a few hours of walking, I stumble upon a spring of crystal clear water. I refill my water containers splash my burning face with the cool liquid, and continue on my way. It is dusk by the time I come across a hole similar to the one I discovered on the day of the feast. This place must be covered in them. I am exhausted, and it is all I can do to put my supplies down and arrange a backpack to make as comfortable a pillow as possible before I drop off into a deep sleep. I awake to a sound outside and am on my feet before I am even aware of what awoke me, only that is is surely trouble. Then my ears pick up the sound of rain. There is a downpour outside, but thankfully, my cave is warm and dry. I hear a boom of thunder and look out to see a flash of lightning. This must be what woke me. I relax and laugh at myself for being so jumpy. Who would be coming this time of night anyways? I know that the district 11 girl doesn't have much in the way of supplies. Nothing that would allow her to stay dry and give her light enough to find me. Unless she picked up something recently, she does not even have a weapon. By dawn, I am awake and alert. I decide it is best to not stay in one place for an extended period of time, so I gather my things. As I am exiting the cave, however, I hear a bang. I jump and let out a yelp. Well, she knows where I am now. No point in trying to hide. So I sprint. I have never run so hard in my #life, for I know that slowness could very well be my end. I make sure to keep a grip on my knife though, the one I planned to keep ready in case I needed protection. I am concentrating so much on my speed that I don't see it. A trip wire. It must have been the girl's doing. I am running so fast that it is impossible for me to stop or even slow down, and I plow straight into it. In seconds, she has caught up to me. Then, she is on top of me, pinning me to the wet, softened ground. She yanks the knife out of my hand. So much for protection. She raises it and plunges it into my stomach. The pain is instant. Blood flows quickly, a never-ending stream of crimson, dying my shirt red. I cough, and a spray of blood escapes my lips. Some splatters on her hand. The pain. Oh, the pain. How I want it to end. There is nothing that can save me now. But I will not cry, will not give the Capitol what they want. The #life is draining out of me and I know I am close to death. "Congratulations," I say in a hoarse voice. "You win." And the world goes black.

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