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Hunger Games Fanfic Pt. 5 A broken mirror. That's all I get. Antique and old, it has a large section that has fallen out and the other pieces are barely holding in. What am I supposed to do with this piece of junk? Not like anything else at the Cournicopia was much better. The few of us left all showed up. Since I had made my home in the Cournicopia, I knew, for now, I'd have to clear out. So I left and waited. By the time the table with the items popped up, I was there, grabbing the first item I touched. Then I ran, and swam through the water. I started to climb the rugged terrain, for I did not want anyone to follow me. I stumbled into a hole. My foot caught on a root, and the pain was excruciating. But I can tell that it is not broken, thankfully. But still, the pain was too great to continue, so I decided to sit and rest here. As my eyes adjust to my dim surroundings, I notice the supplies. Who ever had been living here before had left them, a canteen of water that is half full, a box of matches, cord, an ace bandage. I take the ace bandage out of the pile and wrap it around my ankle. I will sit and wait here. Soon, I have dozed off. I wake with a start. How long have I been asleep? I look outside and see that the sun is at its peak. Noon. I've slept for hours. I glance down and see that the mirror is still in my closed fist. I open it and massage my stiff fingers, placing the mirror gently on the ground. I gaze at it. What am I supposed to do with a broken mirror? I think to myself again. I guess I could use the shards as some sort of tool for cutting, but I have all the knives left in the Cournicopia. I could use the frame and handle as a lever, but for what? It is thin, brittle metal and would probably break under almost any pressure. I am examining it and turning it around in my hands, looking for an answer. I am about to throw it out of frustration, when I notice something. A corner of paper is sticking out from under one to the shards. Excited, I quickly but carefully pry the shard off and take the slip of paper. One word. Over. What is that supposed to mean? I start to cry and I hit the mirror on the ground. A piece falls off and I see... Color! I take out the rest of the pieces and flip them over. They all have the color too! I look at the empty frame of the mirror and see that there is a pattern carved into the metal. A puzzle? I try matching a piece to a shape on the frame. There's a nearly inaudible click as it snaps into place. After this, my fingers rush to put the pieces into place. I put the final piece in, and the original arrangement of the shards is different. It now shows a map. Probably of the arena. I yelp and drop the map, for it had started to glow. The glowing fades and I look over at it. It is now impossible to distinguish between one piece and another. The hole because of the missing pieces is now smaller because of the arrangement. And the shape is triangular, the metal beneath it appears to be polished..... It is the Cournicopia! I look at the rest of the map, trying to identify locations. My eyes wander and see a tiny red dot out in the middle if the arena. It is blinking! That must be my location! I think. Only in the Capitol would they make something like this. I turn the frame around in my hands. On the back, I see tiny switches and buttons labeled in tiny lettering which I am sure had not been there before. I test one out and turn the map face up again. Where there had only been one dot before, there are now four solid ones with a number under them and one blinking one, the same one that had been at this location earlier. I realize that this shows me where all the tributes are! I try the other buttons and switches and learn my invaluable tool's features and capabilities. It can show me trapped areas, diagrams of different dangers, the inventory of another tribute, and loads of other useful information that is very unfair for me to have. But it's great for me. I go back to the tributes' locations function and see the the coast is clear to go back to my home in the Cournicopia. I test out my ankle and it feels fine. I begin my hike, often glancing down at my map for reassurance. My red dot moves with me, as does the other tributes'. I smile mischievously. Bring it on, fellow tributes, I think. I am ready for you.

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