The Present Chapter 10 Largest headache of my #life. I groaned and turned over in bed. What happened last night? How did I get home? I had a dream last night that I kissed Roman. I giggled quietly, how funny. My eyes popped open. Oh, no. I squeezed them shut again and punched my pillow. Bad idea! My head was throbbing anew now. How could I have been so drunk? 'Well,' my feisty inner self berated, 'do you remember how much vodka you put away?' I shushed her and heaved myself out of bed. I had a busy day ahead of me. Roman's POV I sat up on the couch, memories from last night flooding my awakening brain. Complicated. I thought. It's all gotten very complicated. I hadn't been in a serious relationship in years. Heartbreak was not fun and I had experienced it one too many times. I came here to see Joss, to meet Sienna. Everything had changed from the minute Keeva burst in the door, so obviously unaware that I'd be there. She was different. It was hard to explain, even to myself, but she was smart. Keeva talked to me like she didn't care what I thought. She had walls up, and when they were just starting to come down she would spook and pull out the bricks and mortar again. I kept thinking of her at the hospital, collapsing in my arms. Oh, Keeva. Maybe if we had a chance to slowly get to know each other we could have trusted enough to love. Then last night. I was so mad at myself. I never should have let her kiss me, she'll regret it today and block me out. I should have pushed her away, but I wanted to kiss her. If she remembers today, she will think I'm messing with her head. She'll think... Was that the doorbell? I got up and looked out the window. Keeva, of course, trust her head on personality to not even wait till the hangover passes. I answered the door. "Hey Roman," she paused, staring at me. Oh, I hadn't put a shirt on yet. Oh well. "Um, I need to talk to you. " I stepped aside and let her in, grabbing my t-shirt from the couch and slipping it on. She went and sat on the couch, on top of the mess of sheets and all. Most women would've started to fold. "You better sit." She said sighing. She looked so serious. I got ready to apologize. "Look, obviously I was drunk last night. I have this memory of us," she wagged her finger between the two of us, "kissing. That happened, right?" "Yes." I said simply. "Ok. Here it comes, I never should have done that. I'm sorry. I was just drunk and I've been very stressed out. You don't have to worry, it didn't mean anything. It won't happen again." That was her speech. I stared at her. She had been so painfully honest. It didn't mean anything, she said. Now it was my turn to be honest. "Keeva, you don't have to apologize. No, let me finish. " she was about to protest. "I've been here, through it all, I know this has been very hard for you. Last night you were very drunk and maybe you wish you could take back what happened. I don't. Here's the truth Keeva. I started to fall for you that first night we met. That was only a week ago but a lots happened since then. You have been so strong, and even though we're in the middle of a tragedy here you keep showing me how great of a person you are. "Last night you were tired, and I was there, and I feel like I took advantage. If I said I wish I hadn't kissed you I'd be lying. I know this is a lot to take in and I don't expect you to feel the same way. So please don't apologize. Just know I'm here for you and that I won't say anything else about this unless you tell me to. She nodded quickly, grabbed her purse and stood up. "That might be for a very long time Roman." She said quietly. "One day at a time Keeva." I put my arm around her shoulders and walked her to the door.
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