Novas This story starts with a world like no other ruled by a great and powerful ruler named Dark Wizard who made the world and dark and dangerous place where he would rule. He would stop at nothing until he ruled the whole the world and keep his power in control. Luke Blade is a handsome and brave blond haired boy who would never pass up a chance to go on an adventure. Even though he was unaware of his destiny he is still the hero of the world who are counting on him even his own family. Natasha Brigs is a sweet red haired elf who also likes a bit of adventure in her #life. She has always dreamed of coming face to face with the Luke Blade. Zeal Dolk is a green, big eared ogre and like Natasha she has also dreamed of coming face to face with Luke. Also become his loyal and trustworthy companion. Fred Grungle is a stay out of the field sort of guy because he isn't really trained to do any fighting, but he does hack into the enemy's system and take them down. Sadly for him that doesn't happen but he has always dreamed about it. If you are wondering when is this story going to begin well wait no longer it starts in a little village where Luke and his family lived. It wasn't a regular day, when the dark wizards knights came storming into the village. The people went crazy, rushing around trying to hide but they were looking for someone in particular the one and only Luke BLade.

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