My #lifeSaver Chapter 6 Rated R Al stepped inside the ring and started to warm up, by throwing punches at his partner. "Fancy seeing you here." Bryan smirked. "Leave me alone." I snapped. "But what if I don't want to?" Bryan sneered. "Then you'll go through me." Michael spat. "Oooh, got yourself a little bodyguard, aye?" Bryan laughed. "Typical of Al. To bring a girlfriend, then have her seem him box and have her terrified then have her run-" I cut him off by saying "My dad was a boxer, and I'm not a pussy. I'm not running anywhere." Bryan looked flabbergasted at my response. "Didn't expect that did you? I happen know how to box. Fuck off." I snapped. "You know how to box?" Michael asked, appalled. "My dad needed a partner." I shrugged. "Wait, can you still box though?" Michael asked. "Yeah. Why?" I asked. "Let me get you a pair of gloves." Michael said. Michael went inside this big bin, and brought out two red gloves. "Here put them on." Michael said. I nodded my head, and put them on. They fit perfect. "Al, stop!" Michael shouted. "What!" Al exclaimed, angry he had to stop. "Your girlfriend can box." Michael said. Al's eyes darted to me quickly. "You can?" He asked. "Um, yeah." I said, looking down at my shoes. "Let me see what you got." Al said. "What? No!" I said. "Just let me see!" Al begged. I sighed, nodding my head. I walked into the ring. Reminiscences of my past came flooding back to me. Me, fighting with a guy in my age group. He was strong, way stronger than me. My father, however, thought i could beat him, and I did. "How do you know how to box?" Al asked "My dad used to box, and so did I." I said. "Why didn't you mention it to me?" Al asked. "You never asked." I laughed. "Alright, alright. Let me see what you got, princess." Al said. Al stood still awaiting my move. I threw an uppercut at his jaw, then a punch to his stomach, side and shoulder. Then repeated the process again. "Okay, okay! Stop!" Al said. "What? I'm bad?" I asked. "No, actually. You're really good." Al said. "Oh." I said, dropping my hands to my side. "Al, she has a gift, we should sign her-" Michael started. "I'm not letting her box." Al said. "Why?" I asked. "I don't want you getting hurt." Al said. "I won't. I've boxed before." I said. "Why'd you stop?" Al asked. "My dad died." I said. Thinking back, of my last match. After that match, he felt ill. Turns out, he was taking drugs to help him keep alive. Two weeks later, he died, and so did my boxing. "I'm sorry" Al said. "It's fine, but anyway, I don't want to box. I don't want to face men now." I said, shaking my head. "I want to see your reflexes though." Al said. "Alright." I said. He swung to hit my head, but I ducked. He swung to hit my stomach, I blocked. He swung to punch my shoulder, I moved to the side. "Good." Al smirked. "I've got to get back to training. Don't hurt yourself please." Al said, joking at the end. "I won't." I laughed. Michael and I walked back to our seats and he said "you have loads of skill! Better than some guys here!" "Thanks. I have to thank my dad for that." I laughed. "He taught you well." Michael said. "I know." I said, sighing a bit. I miss you daddy.