Traducciones   12 años

And Action! Chapter 1 /-/-/ "There's us!" I giggled pointing at the TV screen. It was talking about the new film we were starring in. It came out next Year. We were still filming it though. Me and my twin Ebony were film stars. Had been since we were 3! Now were 15. 12 years in the acting industry, know all the tips! "Ebony, Casey!" shouted the hair and makeup lady. She knocked on the door of our trailer- scaring us out of our skins! "Yes, Elisa?" I replied, getting up and unlocking the door. "10 minutes. Then you're both needed on the set!" Elise said. She left, straight after. "Well!" Ebony laughed. I walked over to the long mirror to brush my, waist length, mousy brown, hair. I put on my 'geek' glasses and slipped on my Toms. Ebony's hair was the same- we weren't allowed to change it! I didn't bother changing as I knew we would have to change again on set. The film was about two twins, who got abandoned as babies and went on a huge adventure to find their parents. It sounds boring but the special effects are really cool! The director nearly died when a 'secure' explosion turned out to be not so 'secure'. It burned down half the set. That's why we're all a bit behind! "Ready?" Ebony asked, picking up her iPhone. "Yep!" I said, picking up my Blackberry. We were twins, but so different! I think that's why we get on. We aren't together 24/7 like some twins. We give each other personal space. Which works. A stage manager saw us step out of our trailer. He was in a golf buggy so gave us a lift to the jungle part of the studios. "Hey, Ebony! Casey! Autograph?" he asked, getting out a notebook and a pen. "Sure," I smiled, signing my name on the first blank page. "Course!" Ebony smiled, as he handed her the book next. I guess you could say we were pretty popular! We walked the last few minutes so we could stop at the venders and get some Coke. We carried on and stepped into the huge room. Half of the room was full of people doing hair, makeup, reading scripts, shouting. Everything really. The other half was the stage area. I saw the director. Panicking as usual! He waved as soon as he saw us and beckoned us to go to him. "Hey! Here's my two little shining stars! The character that plays Sam is here today," he said. "Sam?" I asked. "Yeah. You're on set big brother. First day. Pretty scary!" he smiled. "Cool! Where is he?" Ebony asked. "There," he said, moving aside and pointing at a boy with his back to us. "Callum!" the director shouted. He turned around and did a half wave at us. "Wow," me and Ebony smirked...

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