Translate   11 years ago

Born to die. "It started off harmless, they were just mucking around like most 17 year olds do." I said trembling, nervous and scared .I tried not to show it but it was hard. "Ok then , do they normally harass Jayden?" The police investigators voice was strong and very clear. He has a plain face, square and mean. It suited him. The police room we were in I could also describe is very similar to his face, plain square. It was dark and made out of steel and metal so was all the furniture. He was getting impatient so I answered him. " Yeah.... They did" I said softly. " What happened after that then" I could tell he was getting frustrated with me and the lack of information I was giving him. " Um.. Well we were just" I didn't know what to say without getting Evie into trouble. " Molly! I know something else happened that night that your not telling me about. Neither is Evie!" Now he was really annoyed. " like I said before we were walking to uh.. Uh a movie and.... Rr.. REe." Tears started falling slowly down my eyes like rain on a window. My voice broke. I couldn't speak anymore. Why are they making us do this less than 24hours after it happened. " I'm sorry you lost your friend, Jayden. He was a good kid.." He said sympathetically but I stopped him before he could say anything else. " a great kid!"I just had to add that in. "But you have to tell me the truth, Molly." He rolled his eyes at me and completely ignored what I had said. But he was serious and I couldn't be afraid of him. " If I told you the truth, I would be lying!" I was serious to and I meant it. Evie was my friend. Just my luck the timer went off. A laddie walked in, wearing a cop suit and said " Times up darl" chewing a purple piece of gum. I gave the cop the death stare and grabbed my bag and walked out of the dark, grey room. " Evie! " thank god she waited. My stomach was turning after that little scene back there." " Um... Hey, so what did you tell him?" She said nervously. She's worried that the police investigator will make me crack. But I'm stronger then that. "I told him exactly what you said" I whispered but not so obvious like I was hiding something. Evie sighed and gave me a hug, her eyes red like she'd been crying. "Thank god" she whispered back to me. " I promised remember? I don't break promises with my friends." I whispered back to her. ♣♣♣ I was back in Evie's car. It smells like candy and sweets. It normally smells like that. "Um so... The funerals tomorrow." I spoke softly, trying to break the awkward science. But I think all I did was make it worse. As soon as I said that I was regretting it. Evie just nodded and mimed the word yes. Evie's skin was looking pale. Her skin is normally very tan, I guess it's because the suns been hiding behind the clouds for a while. Her hair is dark brown it's long and straight. Because she's a little short her hair looks like Rapunzel. She ties it back when there's a lot on her mind. Her eyes are hazel and watery from all the tears. We arrived at my house. It was dark and lonely, obviously no one was in there. I was hoping Evie would ask to come inside but all she said was, so this is it, it the most sad dull voice. "Ok then. Bye" I said annoyed that she has been blocking me out. I slammed the car door. I looked back when I got to my house and saw that Evie was still parked outside with tears streaming down her face. ♠♠♠ It's funny how the world works sometime. Jayden loved the sun and it was a great thing that it was sunny on the day that we are celebrating his #life. The funeral was out side. There were lots of dark green trees scattered all over the place. The grass was the same colour of the trees and a bit damp from the rain yesterday, it sparkled when the sun hit it. It was a nice feeling, feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin. Jayden's grave was in a nice spot in the middle of to big apple trees. The sun shone thought the trees glimmering on his grave. I saw Evie getting out of her car. Miserable and heartbroken. Her dress was colorful like everyone else's. Jayden was fun and a funny person so we wanted colour for his funeral. Everyone started gathering around Jayden's grave. Everyone's eyes were filled with tears except for Evie. After we all scattered dirt on his grave we went in side for food and speeches. Evie was sitting in the dark corner of the bright room. She was looking down at her plate with a slice of apple pie on it which was untouched. I walked over to her, she's my best friend and it's my job to name her feel good. "Hey Evie, how are you?" I said sitting down next to her putting my arm around her giving her a slightly awkward hug. She pulled herself away. That was like getting a saloon the face form her. " Evie, come on, I'm trying to help here." My voice rose from a whisper to a soft talk. We both love Jayden a lot but only I know it wasn't her fault. After a moment of silence my father came up to us with a half smile on his face. " Hi girls. So the speeches are starting in a sec" he sounded like he was trying to be caring. I looked at him and frowned. He new what I meant and walked away. I looked to my right and saw the cop investigator outside. He walked in, and in the direction of my dad, completely ignoring us. I laughed a bit, Frustrated from the fact that they even showed up here. I stood up and walked to the room where the speeches are. "Wait" Evie speaks, very soft but still. I turned around with a surprised look on my face. " yes. Evie" "Why aren't you mad at me?" Evie asked mad, turning red trying to hold back the tears. " why the hell would I be mad at you?" I asked, but I new what the answer was. " because..." Evie was crying now. "Well you didn't" " I did!" Evie shouted loudly. I was crying to. My mascara was probably running down my face smudged. Evie wasn't wearing any. I gasped, and she stormed off to the speech room. I ran after her. "Evie" I squealed. She opened the door. I stopped at the sight of all the people with mad and confused faces starring at us. Evie walked up to the microphone stand. She stood for a second and took a deep breath. " I'm sorry. I just have something to say." She mumbled. " Evie no" I whispered to myself. She opened her mouth to speak again. " It wasn't.. It was me. We were outside the club. Molly, Jayden and I" My parents turned and started at me for an instant. Everyone else's eyes were glued to Evie. " we were trying to get in. Until something happened in side the club. The man told us to wait outside. Then Rex and his buddies came. They got into a fight with Jayden about something he new about Rex. Rex told him to keep his mouth shut or me and Molly and Jayden will get it. Jayden said to keep away from us. Then they started fighting. I went to push Jayden away. But... I pushed him onto the road and a car came and.... And he died. The person in the car didn't see it happen. So Rex took the blame because he and his friends didn't really remember anything from that night. I took advantage of them. Because he was um ..... I couldn't live with it. With everyone not knowing who actually killed Jayden. I love Jayden. He's my best friend. And I'm so so so extremely sorry Jayden! I guess this works now, but he used to say. We were BORN TO DIE!" I love him. He's my best friend. I'm so so extremely sorry Jayden. I guess this is true now but, He used to say, We were born to die!"

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