To You And I The black veil you need, it keeps you safe but still. Sadness became your best friend, the best friend you need to kill. But how do you kill the only thing you know? And what can possibly help you let go? How can you fucking be vulnerable, when you've been so hurt that you NEED control? Don't tell me how I should act, Don't fucking tell me what I need to do, I'm the one in recovery Not Fucking You. It's the battle of three halves, You, me and me. I need you to know I'm better, I want you to know that I'm still not. I need you to know that I support you, I want you to know it's not the end of the plot. It's not the end of your story, though I know you wish it was. I love love love you, I don't want a round of applause. Nothing is forever, I know that to be true. Stop comparing yourself, that's the biggest clue. • This is the biggest jumble of emotions, I was not expecting tonight. I don't even expect this to be relatable to anyone. Writing is always an exploration of everything I've ever felt. At the beginning, I never know the end.

  • React
  • Love
  • HaHa
  • WoW
  • Sad
  • Angry