With A Little Bit Of Magic. #NightDwellers #Witch. #AprilWords She hung from the trees, as a #lifeless body would do. No movement no sound, just the tree branches rustling from the calm whistling wind. The smell of rotting damp fallen leaves where all around me. The people had gone now they had their fill today. Witch hunts were evil! Just there for scared towns folk to make them feel better to make them feel safe! But people like me and my sister (god rest her soul) shall never know how it feels to be safe in this world. I lifted my arms high into the sky and closed my eyes. The light slowly disappearing now around me. The sound from the woodland animals was all that I could hear now. I have to remember how to do this, how to make it work. If not for my sisters sake but for mine! "Listen loud and listen good! Bring the hell mouth where I'm stood! Darkness bring forth the shadows! Bring my sisters spirit back to me! For I pay the highest fee! A swirl of emerald green smoke covered the floor and began to rise over my sisters hanging #lifeless body. Spark shooting everywhere as if #life was being shot back into her corpse. The floor trembled beneath my feet, the wind racing between the trees, pushing me back with force. The smoke now covered the tree and my sisters body. I hope I got the spell right, for I now am paying the highest fee in 30 days. A bright light of emerald green shone bright from the smoke covered body, the sight of it was magnificent! But then the light began to fade and a deep red began to shine. The red looked as if something evil was coming, something unnatural. The light faded away and the smoke just followed the winds now calm breeze. My sister no longer hanging from the tree but now stood firmly on the floor. I ran towards my sister with full force and slung my arms around her and embedded her within my chest. "It worked sister! You are back!! I'm so happy it worked" shouted Eleanor. Her sister stood there wrapped in Eleanor's arms motionless. Her eyes wandering trying to adjust to #life once again. "Yes Eleanor, I'm back and this time for good!" Her sister said with a slight eerie tone. Eleanor now in tears at the thought of her sister back didn't notice something dark, something evil inside if her sister now. Her eyes sparkled red as if Ruby's had been replaced there. Her hair long and black, not honey brown no more. Her skin withered and leathery as an old woman's skin should be not a 21 year old. Eleanor still thankfull her sister had returned and the spell had worked was still clutched into her sister tightly. "I'm so glad we can be together again sister! We shall run away and never look back at this town! We shall make a new #life where no one knows if witches!" Shouted Eleanor with such passion. "No sister, we shall not run, nor hide from this town. We shall make them see what we are and they shall accept the truth, we are powerful and we shall rule as queens!" Replied Sarah. Her eyes glowing a brighter shade of red, a shade of revenge. To be continued.....
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