Translate   11 years ago

Chapter Two : School Romeo ~ Even though I walked into the school with a entire group of people around me I felt threatened, already.. Oliver had made his group of friends, with the Jocks and the footballers. I was mates with the more, alternative people.. the people that in a normal school may be bullied but here? Nope, we wouldn't let that happen. Though the jocks think they rule the school, I more and likely get to say what goes on around here. My arm slid through Danny's waist as I held him close to me, no.. We weren't together but I liked to mess around with people, there's no harm in that. "Oi faggot!" The quarterback shouted across the corridor as I laughed loudly, rolling my eyes. "Come out the closet already, James! It must be getting hot in there!" I said, my hair dropping in over the blackout shades I wore in the summer. The entire group around me started laughing and chatting to themselves as Danny kissed my cheek softly. "well done, mister." He mumbled, before wriggling away from me the second the bell went. "Can't be late, sorry.. I'll see you in second lesson." Within a few moments, every body had gone and I started to make my way over to my locker, my hands slowly shoving into my tight skinny black Jean pockets. "Romeo!" The headteachers voice screeched down my ear as I flinched, slamming my locker shut quickly. "You're late!" Rolling my eyes, I nodded and held my books close to my chest, a sweet smile spreading across my lips as I approached her. "If you didn't notice, lovely. I'm getting my books.. so I can go to lesson. YOU'RE the one keeping me from me education. So move." I hissed, flicking my long fringe out of my eyes. She didn't say anything else, just slowly stepped aside and pursed her old wrinkly bottom lip. "Fat cow." I muttered as I started to make my way down the hall, luckily she didn't hear me. The corridors were now completely silent, this was quite a strict school with lessons, you needed to be there on the bell or a straight detention. Slowly pushing my lesson door open, history great. Mrs Renderan snapped her head in my direction, a satisfied smile spreading her face widely. "Mr Summer, you're late again.. this is the fourth time this term you've been late to my lesson, so hurry sit down. Detention after school." Her voice was sharp and could make any little kid cry just at the sound of it. Everybody hated her, she was the worst teacher around.. She pushed and pushed you until you would get an A+ and if you were ever sick, or off school for any reason, she'd sit you in detention until you got it done. Slumping down in my seat at the back of the classroom, I nodded to the people I knew, flashing them a perfect smile. The day from then on seemed to drag, the entire school day was as boring as hell. Nothing very interesting happened and I was just jumping for joy about the detention that I was getting straight after school today. As the final bell went, I pushed all my things into my locker.. My best friend Daisy rushed over to me. "Did you hear? The new boys got detention with you this after noon.. You know the-" Before she could even finish her sentence before I grunted and leant against my locker. "My Step brother." "Yeah him! He's so hot, Romeo.." She blushed heavily as I chuckled and nodded slowly, running his fingers through his hair. "Yeah, he is.. he's just a complete ass." I muttered softly, starting to walk slowly towards my detention. "I gotta go yeah.. I'll see you tomorrow." With that she nodded and rushed off as I walked into the room, Mrs wasn't there yet but sure to hell Oliver was. "You never told me you were gay?" He snapped quickly. A soft snarl escaped my lips as I sat down at the back of the room, completely ignoring him. I didn't want to get into a argument. "Oh for gods sake, answer me!" He snapped again, his fingers clicking in front of my face. Gritting my teeth together tightly, I slowly glanced up at him, sighing heavily. "I don't see how it has anything to do with you, and anyway.. you didn't even ask me. Plus, you'd think I'm a freak then I'd have to regret telling you.. It was better kept a secret." I slowly stood up so I was around about the same height as him. Scoffing loudly, he shoved me back a little, sending me against the wall. "You watched me change yesterday!" He screamed at me, his face red with anger as his knuckles clenched tightly. "Oh, please.. Don't flatter yourself." I spat, slowly rolling my sleeves up and glancing him over once, laughing a little. "I wouldn't want to touch you." I lied through my teeth as I smirked softly. "No wonder your father killed himself, having you as a son." That sent my blood boiling, I started to shake as I kicked myself off the wall and within a second had him pinned to the floor, punching him several times in the jaw. "Don't you EVER talk about my father like that!" I screamed loudly before he managed to turn us over, kneeing me roughly in the stomach, causing me to cough violently. "You make me sick! No wonder he didn't want to be here! He was ashamed of you!" Oliver scoffed heavily as he continued to cover me in bruises. I tried to fight back, but I knew he was going to be stronger than me. I groaned heavily as my sight started to go blurry, blood slowly trickling from my mouth as I coughed again. "D.. Daddy.." I choked out, before everything went.. My sight, my hearing.. My touch and thought track, gone.

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