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More Than Just A Secret AN I was just kind of bored the other day and started to write this twilight (twilight seams to preoccupy my mind quite alot currently) fanfiction. So yeah, i have only writen chapter one and depending on whether i get anyfeed back or not i might continue with this... All characters belong to Stephenie Meyer, however, they are quite OOC as i am just using them as pupets to write my own story with. |•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•| CHAPTER 1 Bella's POV Bla, Bla, Bla. All I ever get from him anymore. Don’t do this, defiantly don’t do that... It’s all for my safety he says, I’m just a fragile human he says. I know I can be a little clumsy, okay, more than a little, but he might as well wrap me up in bubble wrap the rate he’s going. I need to let go, be free, and release his hold on me. Alice is just as bad, with all her stupid visions; I can’t do anything without the both of them knowing. I have learnt to make snap decisions so they can’t stop me, but that’s what makes them even more worried; that I’m going to do something completely reckless. Well, who knows, maybe I will. “Uh, Bella?” Jasper knocked me off my train of thoughts. “Bella darlin', are you alright?” I felt a faint wave of calm flow through me, smiling I looked up at him; he was sat directly opposite me, he looked concerned. “Yeah, I’m fine,” I paused, looking round the room for the others- Edward, Alice, Rosalie and Emmett- I must have been so lost in my thoughts that I never saw them leave. I knew Carlisle and Esme where away until next week though. “Um, Jasper, I don’t suppose you could tell me where the others are?” I could swear I saw a faint smile appear on his face, but as soon as I saw it, it vanished again. “Huntin', they’ll be gone for the rest of the weekend” So they trusted me with you eh? I thought better of myself before blurting this out. Although, it’s true; Edward never trusts Jasper to be around me, so this is defiantly a progression. I took this chance to have a proper look at Jasper; never before have had I really had the chance. His thick, wavy, golden locks drifted down his face perfectly. His marble like face looked as if it were carved by angles. He was currently sporting a tight black v-neck that... Woah... Wait, what am I doing! I shouldn’t be looking at another man like this... but come to think of it I never realised how beautiful he really was. “Hmm” Was all I could manage, it’s as if anything I could say would ruin something, something I’m not quite sure of. I looked up again, only to see a slight smirk on his face. “What, what’s so funny?” “Mixed emotions, that’s all darlin'” What’s that supposed to mean, and why does he keep calling me 'darlin''! I wish he wouldn’t, just because I’m angry at Edward it doesn’t mean I’m suddenly aloud to jump on his brother. However, his irresistible southern drawl is currently making that quite hard for me. Oh dear, just look at me; mesmerised by my boyfriend’s brother and bestfriends husband who, until now, i have never had a real conversation with. Wait, what’s funny about mixed emotions, what did I do... Oh, I forgot all about his empathic powers. Well, this could all be taken the wrong way, but that would be correct as I seem to be going about it the wrong way myself. “I, um, I like your shirt, but um...” I trailed off, not knowing how to resurface from this massive hole I have seem too dug for myself. I think I just made it worse, now he’s laughing, great Bella, well done. “You like my shirt; well I could wear it more often if you wanted?” Oh yes please! No! No, please don’t Jasper, and also please re-frame yourself from winking at me, this isn’t one big joke! Great, now I’m blushing! You’re really not helping yourself here are you Bella. Okay, right, time to change the subject. “Since we have all weekend alone together, what shall we do?” “Whatever you want darlin' it’s up to you. Although, I do quite enjoy sittin' here watch you try and battle with your emotions, it’s quite amusing actually.” Glad I’m entertaining you, because myself, not so much! Well, at least he’s stopped laying his drawl on thick. “Unfortunately for you, the war of my emotions has come to a temporary agreement, no more entertainment for you.” “You sure about that darlin', you know the advantage I’m at here.” Great, drawl’s back again, along with another cheeky wink. I’ll give it to him; he IS very good at this. I bet he could get any girl he wanted, without even using his gift. I need an excuse, quick, before i start blushing even more different shades of scarlett, that since today i didn't know were even possible. I mean this isn't right; no matter how mad i am, with Edward, it gives me no exuse to feel this way about my bestfriends husband! "I have decided on what i want to do today" I anounced firmly. "Care to tell me what that is?" Why so many winks! Suddenly i felt a wave of something wash through me, i wonder wha... Crap, i would give so much just to be able to go and kiss him right now... AGGG! I need to kiss him now! "STOP!" I virtually screamed at him, or me, im not quite sure. All i do know is that Jasper needs to go stuff his stupid empathic powers somewhere, and leave them there. "Jasper... Please stop... I can feel it... It feels like you're messing with my brain... You are messing with my brain... I don't feel very well... I... I need... I need to go take a nap..." Blackness. |•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•| Wow Jasper is being a bit of a jerk really... So tell me what you think... pretty please #fanfiction

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