Traducciones   12 años

Eyes Of A Killer #3 I brushed myself down and walked towards the knocking sound of the door; I knew it was what I didn't want. In the mix of emotions that ran through my mind, I managed to find my bravest face and put it on. I opened the door looking like somebody that had just lost their wife; and I seemed to pull it off pretty damn good. A part of me did miss her, and I just held onto that and embraced it. The door was slowly pulled open by my hand, and even through it being ajar, I could see the police blues that were the people knocking. "er, hello officer.", managed to be the only thing I could slip from my lips, "hello, sir we came as fast as we could.", the officer had the honesty in his voice that all police members seemed to carry, but there was something different about him, he was passionate. "Do you mind if we come in and ask you some questions?", I expected such a question but when it was spoken, I could've fooled myself even. "Yes, sure, take a seat, please." I decided to talk in hurried sentences to give the impression I was sad; they would hopefully never see past my emotional disguise, and see the stone cold killer that laid beneath.

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