Fuck Feelings. I've been thinking lately about love.. And after long hard thoughts, I learnt right then.. That love hurts. I then decided that I never want to love again. How wonderful would it be to not ever give someone the power to hurt you, ever again? But then I realised I'd live a pretty lonely boring #life if I had no excitement.. No warm heart or butterflies.. or that nervous feeling before seeing that special somebody. What #life would that be!? So then I decided that I will meet new people and push them away as they get close. That way I'd have an exciting #life with the butterflies, warm heart and nervous feelings, oh and not hurt from that strong word, love. But then, as my mind darted in many other directions.. I then realised that nervous feeling, warm heart and them butterflies were all feelings. Which then ruined everything. Feelings are to blame for our emotional pain. If we didn't enjoy those feelings we wouldn't mind if we didn't have them. I wish I was cold and couldn't feel a thing, maybe that way I wouldn't feel the heart ache. Officially hate feelings.

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