Translate   11 years ago

Warrior 1. You are running through the woods. You are running from barbarians. You have arrows flying your direction. Goto-2 2. You notice that the barbarians are getting closer. You run into a crossroad. Strait-3 Left-4 Right-5 Go back and fight the barbarians-6 3. You go strait. You exit the woods and you are in an open field. There is a lot of fog there. You can't see if the barbarians are coming. Goto 7 4. You go left. The barbarians are catching up. You see nothing, it's too foggy. There are obstacles. Barrels, trees, bushes and more. You hit a barrel and scraped your leg. Goto 8 5. You go right. Up ahead you see a stop sign. You stop there. You see a long empty road. The barbarians are very close. Goto 9 6. You go back to fight the barbarians. You kick a barbarian and they drop their sword. You pick it up. You see hundreds of barbarians. One barbarian throws a spear. It skims your face. You fall. A barbarian stabs you through the head with a long sword. You died... Goto-16 7. You see an arrow coming. You dodge it. You start to run. It's getting very warm. You see a red light. Right before you eyes stands a dragon. It's eyes glowing. In the corner of your eyes you see a sword. Pick up sword-10 Run back-11 Fight the dragon with your own hands-12 8. You get shot in the back with an arrow. You pass out... Goto-13 9. You see a car coming. You try to get it to stop. It does not stop. An arrow hits the window of the car and the car stops. Goto-14 10. You get the sword and you see that it is in perfect condition. You cut the dragons leg and the leg comes off. You get hit by the dragons second claw and sends you flying. You hurt your elbow. Goto-15 11. You run back. You see a line of thousands of barbarians. They have bows and arrows. You have a sword. They shoot. All of them miss. All of the barbarians got shot. Goto-20 12. You don't pick up the sword. The dragon blows fire. You die immediately. Goto-17 13. You wake up in a barbarian city and your on a rope being hung. You can't breath, you die. Goto-16 14. You get into the car. You drive away. You find a city. Goto-20 15. The dragon comes over. It makes a loud roaring sound. It steps on you. You die... 16. You find yourself in heaven. You live there for eternity. Goto 19 17. You find yourself in hell. You stay there. Goto-18 18. You see satan. You pass out. 19. God greets you in a happy manor and shows you your mansion in heaven. Goto-20 20. You are a successful warrior. You win!

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