Translate   11 years ago

The Vanishing (WIP) The Vanishing The door has been left ajar, a feint murmuring sound could be heard from within. The voice sounded like the voice of Mr Andrews my head-teacher. Every-time he spoke it felt like someone was scratching a blackboard with a metal rod. The obnoxious impression this voice left in my mind engulfed me in a mind-set of rebellion. I felt like bursting into the room with my arms outstretched like an eagle ready to grasp its prey with it's unforgivably strong claws and sharp vision, aiming to hit him where it hurts most, his mind. I creeped up the stairs as fast as i could in order not to be found by the caretaker who resided in the room now just two metres away from me. The door was closed which luckily usually meant that he was out. I walked down the stairs again to where i had heard Mr Andrews. The door was now wide open, a perfect indication that he had left the room. I entered and found a small coffee table along with 3 chairs. On the table was a half finished mug of coffee, still tepid as it had been used recently most likely by Mr Andrews as he was a coffee enthusiast. On the opposite side of the table sat a glass of water with a cloudy tint to it. I walked out of the room my mind full of mystery. Who were the other 2 men? What did they want from Mr Andrews? Were they a threat? I walked down the stairs with a heavy weight deep in the back of my mind. Although i despised the Head-Master i would not want anything ever to happen to him. I decided to try my upmost to solve the enigma that awaited me. I rushed down the stairs as fast as i could, i knew that there was a large possibility that this would just be a normal meeting between two headmasters as was highly expected. But there was something that made me uneasy about the way the men left quickly and quietly and left the door open with their drinks still half full. I was just a 13 year old boy with no authority to change things so i decided not to tell anyone about my suspicion until i had evidence. As i came out of the large red brick building a burst of brightness met me like a vampire with rays of sunlight stabbing his skin as a knife would to a human, ending his #life. I saw the two men standing by a car, suspiciously near the back of the car, without Mr Andrews. The men had a strong comp-lecture, both wearing the same dark and reflective, the sunlight protected them from any breaches of anonymity. One of the men turned around and just as he was about to see me i ducked behind a bush once he had checked that the coast was clear he made a phone call for a couple of seconds, got into the car and drove away. I made sure to note down the number plate Y634 FT57. I started walking home, i knew something was wrong yet i could do nothing to help until i had proof of the men's malice. I arrived home, tired after a day of detention in deputy headmistress's office, so i had no time to think about what had just happened and i fell asleep instantaneously. I dreamt about the waterfalls in a world beyond our's full of wonder and joy, the smell of glory and success high in the air easily reachable for the most confident and victorious, as victory often comes from confidence, a man without it will fail and fall into an unretrievable state of #depression and low expectations. Out there over the hilltops and cliffs was a world where success was easy to reach, a bright summers day, laughter and happiness engulfed the atmosphere. A boy stood outside his girlfriend's school awaiting her return, he had a strangely idiosyncratic smile but nevertheless i could see he was happy by his posture and pride. He stood there like a commandingly tall statue, passionate about his positioning and hierarchy. The crows would bow down and the boy would stand there regally, majestically like a king. The sound of a school bell resounded through the air, a sense of freedom, the boy examined the crowd that came rushing out of the wooden double doors at the front of the school. He saw his girlfriend in the distance and he started running towards her, when he finally came to her he embraced her celestially and an explosion of affection radiated from within. This, sadly was a world beyond the truth. I woke up to find my monotonously boring #life sitting in front of me. Then i remembered the headmaster and his suspicious meeting. I decided i would find out if the headmaster was missing, i started to determine a method of receiving this information. After a couple of minutes of meditation and pensive thought i decided i would ask the school secretary if she knew where Mr Andrews was and if she said he was missing i would know where he was. I ran out of the house past the shop, the greenery of suburban London flashing across my eye line. I stopped outside the secretary's office where i caught my breath and wandered into the room. I asked if she knew where the headmaster was. And she nkogsurprisingly said "In his office". To be continued...

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