übersetzen   12 Jahre

Tears Behind Smiles Prologue She was staring at the ceiling, thinking about what would become of her. She wasn't wanted anymore, by anybody. What did she ever do to deserve this kind of treatment ? That's the question that ate at her mind for the days she was trapped in bed. Nobody felt sorry for her being depressed. They just decided it was cowardly. Why let people get into your head ? She didn't know why. It's just how she reacted to the constant comments if how ugly or fat or stupid she was. It was something new every day that brought her down. And on this day it reached the top, then went overboard. She was in a constant state of her own mind trapped like the bars of her prison were unbreakable. The chains were wrapped so tight it was suffocating her. There was nothing she could do, but relive the stories of her #life. And that's what drove her to her end.

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