Translate   11 years ago

The Shadow I have the same dream every night. But it's not a dream, it's more of a nightmare. In the beginning, everyone who I've witnessed die is alive and happy. We are all laughing and having a great time.. Until the shadow comes. We drop what we are doing, and run. We all link hands and run from the shadow that will take the people we love away from us. As we run outside, I realize we are the only ones left. This world is deserted. The shadow begins catching up to us, and one by one, takes away the people we love. I continue running, the shadow not far behind. Before I know it, I'm the only one left. I keep running but I'm not fast enough. Soon enough, the shadow catches up to me .It's after me. I keep running, but its right behind me as I run. Everywhere I look there it is. And then it surrounds me, closing in on me. I can't breathe. I let out a scream before I'm suffocated by the dark shadows of death.

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