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Cursed for #life Cursed for #life Sam (www. 'When you're cursed, you are cursed with a specific animal, you have some features of that animal but not all, for example: You'll have the ears, tail, and whiskers of a cat, but your body isn't covered in hair and you don't stand on four legs. Height wise, if the animal you are cursed with is small then you tend to be shorter in height and smaller in body mass. If it's larger you tend to be taller with more body mass. Every person who is cursed has two different colored eyes, one color comes from the father, and the other come from the mother. If the parents are cursed, lets say mom had one brown and one blue eye, and dad had one green and one black eye than you could either get brown or blue from the mom, and green or black from the dad. Mentally speaking, the Cursed are much more creative than the average human being, but their level of intellect is average, though, this can very depending the species of animal their cursed with. the Cursed tend to lack social skills, but this is caused by society's doing. On another note, anyone who is Cursed has heightened senses, and can see in the dark. But some abilities are gender specific, male's are much stronger than females and females are much faster than males. Diet wise, The Cursed eat like any other human. And can digest it without any troubles… They can also eat, and live off of, 'their animal diet' So, if you're cursed with the cat, you could easily live off of cat food. Or if you're Cursed with a bird, you could live off of seeds and grains. one of the most commonly asked question is,"Is being Cursed contagious?" The answer is yes, and no. No, you can not catch it like a flu, and it can not randomly spread like a disease. and genetic wise it is completely random, But it is like an STD. If someone who isn't cursed has sexual intercourse with someone who isn’t, Then within 24 hours that person will be cursed.’ -Continue Reading- I yawned, rubbing my eyes. I had spent hours reading a website for a class project. We were supposed to write a 2,000 word essay on why or why not the Cursed should keep their rights. We would also have to include the common characteristics of the Cursed, and if their was any bias involved. Like if your parents were activist’s or if you were an activist. Or if your parents were pro cursed, or if you were pro cursed. And if you were cursed or not. Thankfully we didn’t have to include any information about the Others. I think there are five out of twenty students in my class that are cursed. give or take one or two. so maybe that meant 25% of the population was cursed. I went to another sight to back up my theory. My eyes had quickly grown tired of reading and my mind went decided to think of other things, come to think of it My buddy Charlie was cursed with the monkey. Specifically the spider monkey. This thought got me thinking... He was just like any other guy I knew, I noted this in my essay. The only difference was his physical features... And I guess he had some monkey characteristics. He along with two other guys were my buddies. We skated together any chance we got... My mind drifted off... Those were some great times. Me hanging with the guys, then I’d go out with Grace, my girlfriend, to a movie. Then we’d all go out to dinner me, Grace, the guys, and their girls... That was nine months ago. Nine months ago I got an B- on that project. nine months ago I could go out with friends, and have a blast... nine months ago my mom got pregnant, six months ago, I found out, Three months ago We found out it was Cursed. After that happened all hell broke loose, Mom got hooked on anti depressants, and other prescription medication during the pregnancy. After the birth was numb showing no emotion, and refusing to hold her baby and its other. All because of how much she hated her. Not because of the pain, but just because of her hate for being Cursed. It made me sick. Even when she went to name the poor little girl you could feel the rage radiating from her words, “Name the ugly rat Frankenstein!” The ugliest thing she could think of at the time through the high of prescription medication. But When the doctor went to write the name down I dragged him into the other room and begged him to simply put Frankie on the sheet. when he did the only thing that came out of my mouth was a sigh in relief. But it didn’t stop there no matter how much I wanted it to. When we took the baby home my mother left Frankie in the car and went inside with my older sister, Lilly, following close behind. Not bothering to care about what happened to her day old baby. I sat their in cold silence along with my other younger sister Joey. forgotten in a broken van that smelled of mold First I cussed until I ran out of breath. then I cried. Then screamed. Then took the crying baby out of the moldy old carseat and rocked her to sleep, along with Joey who just sat in silence the entire time. Thats when I swore to myself that I would never let anything happen to my sister’s and would forever support the Cursed community. then here three months after the pregnancy and a year from that essay. My little sister, Frankie, is three months old now. And she has never once seen her mothers face for more than ten seconds. Lilly is gone 95% of the time, and my mother sits on her butt and watches the TV, scarfing down chips, and medication ‘delicious’. And me, taking care of two girls on my own. I am still in a relationship with Grace, and still keep in contact with my buddies, but... I am spending all my time with the girls, feeding them, keeping them healthy, making sure Joey keeps her grades up, and that Frankie stays alive. though I’ve aged and it’s visible. I feel forty when I’m only fifteen, And I look it too. my eyes reddened and surrounded with bags from lack of sleep. Stubble clouding my skin... and my hair, an awful, tangly mess of brown. But its better than letting Frankie die, and my sister fall apart.

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