перевести   12 лет назад

eBay An, the beauty of abusing other people's needs for a quick monetary boost. Online shopping is something I try not to do for three simple reasons. 1. I already have too much stuff, 2. It's way too damn addictive, 3. It feels immoral to compete against shops that give people jobs. Nonetheless I do enjoy a prowl on eBay looking for that next bargain and searching for the scammers simply because its funny. 1 pound for a gold necklace? Come on! Unfortunately I'm now feeling the sting of the eBay nesting instinct as mountains of packages have stacked up in my hallway waiting for me to organise and sort them, *sigh* don't you just hate being wealthy? Honestly though, as a total nerd I have trouble not prowling around for collectors items or old ass games that I wasn't allowed as a kid, this is occupying a lot of my time at the moment and will not doubt fuel my poorly worded and mildly entertaining articles for a while.

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