Chapter 2: New Beginning Once all three of us discovered our powers and advantages we thought of amazing things to do but made rules. RULE'S 1.Never force shop keepers or others to give you things unless needed. 2.Never control anyone u like or love to do things for you unless needed. 3.Control your anger if needed take at maximum 2 happy pills. 4.Lock your self up every full#moonand blood moon. And they were our four main rules and we had others but only little ones. The next day we headed up grove woods, we walked up near the bit we was and we could smell the creature then when I turned to my right slightly and out of no were a yellow trail of a sort of smoke appeared so I called the girls and followed it. When it was the end of the trail we came to a house the address was 68 bull lane and they had rather big dogs as well. Once we found out were the creature was I went to meet my babes at the big park. He said to me "why have your eyes gone yellow?" I than picked up my phone looked into it and they were. I looked at Amy why I took my first deep breath her eyes were yellow then I looked at dannielle her eyes were yellow and out of no where we ran to dead mans woods. Then I fell to the ground screaming and shouting my hands were poring with blood my finger nails were getting sharper and longer, my teeth were growing getting pointy, from the top of my noise to my chin was getting further out until it was shaped like a dogs noise and mouth I started to turn black and fur was growing all over me the pain wouldn't stop i looked over my left dannielle had already transformed then I was fully transformed.

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