Traducciones   12 años

Mirror Mirror As I looked upon a mirror, with its golden cherub frame, I asked it a simple question, the reply remained the same. I used to be the fairest, with skin so young and smooth, with hair so long and thick, with eyes as bright as the moon. Now time had taken its toll, I was withered like a corpse. Skin that hung like discarded bed sheets, eyes as black as midnight. I did not like the answer, that the mirror did reply, it said ugliness is within but true beauty never dies. You see outside I was still fair, but inside I was not, as greed, jealousy and hatred had overcome the lot. So here I write to you, young girls, take note of what I say, if you want to keep your beauty, be gracious every day. For jealousy and hatred, twist and break the soul, and leave an ugly shell, where once a girl was whole. You see, the mirror never lies, it can only reflect the truth, so if you don't believe me take my reflection as proof.

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