Translate   11 years ago

The full moon. I have never known for creatures to be out the unsolved, unknown. People say that they are unwelcome to the people so the government experiment on them, test them and top secret.some of these creatures can make human beings become one of them but I never thought that it would be me. Chapter 1: the beginning I always thought myself as a normal teen who done what teens do I had two best mate Amy (giggle monster) and dannielle ( the chavy ding dong). It was Saturday and me dannielle and Amy were heading down town for the night them go o Amy's for a sleep over. It was 6:30pm and we met up with every one Sean,jack and Tony (the love of my dreams) up town in Mc Donald's on the way I asked tony to get me twenty fags which he gladly did. Once it got to 9:48pm the boys had left so we decided to go to grove woods. Once we got there we found a little place to sit and smoke and made a fire, but the place we found looked like it was an animals home like a deer's place or something. I was saying to them there's blood and Amy was just saying its paint that people have put there to scare others. Time had passed the fire wood was crackling and so were twigs behind us but kind of far away, then a couple of minuets later I hear snarling I have a mini panic attack then I hear twigs crackling sticks but fast and faster they were snapping the I see it out of the blue a giant wolf but it was standing on its hind legs Amy screamed and dannielle was in shock then I see its arm lift into the air and then. I wake up the next day in a hospital bed and to my left was Amy and to my right was dannielle. As I go to sit up I feel a sharp pain on my chest so I lift up the hospital blanket was a bandage going around my stomach then to my shoulder and there's blood on it and then I realise Amy's already awake and she says to me " Dolcie do u remember what happened?" I reply "no" dannielle still awake I say to Amy "do u now what that was that attacked us?"she said "i have a wide guess but u promise me not to freak out." I say oaky then I herd her voice sturdy she says a lycon I looked down and said quietly and if I was about to cry " I was afraid u was gonna say that.". Then dannielle come to she's mumble-in to her self then as she sits up she takes a huge gasp and the door opens a nurse walks in , it said her name was on her name tag that it was Jazmin she says with a smile on her face your lucky you all survived" dannielle replays " what happened?" The nurse awnsered her question " no one nows what happened to u but a lady was walking her dog and she found you all on the floor and realised that we was attacked so she called an ambulance. And it's been four days you have all been asleep she also said that we had visitors the Tony,jack and Sean walked in they all had flowers and balloons saying get well soon and Tony comes and sit next to me holding my hand crying I say to him "there's no need to cry we're getting released soon." He replays " but u could of died and there would of been nothing for me to do" a tear pops out of my eye and the nurse walks in. And says that visor ting time is over so they all leave and Tony leaves me with a kiss on my cheek. Chapter 2:Lycon Girls When I get back both girls came round mine when We got upstairs I grabbed my iPad and searched up lycon power I clicked on a random one and read out aloud " a werewolf is a strong and proud beast nothing will get in its way, in the pack there's an Alpha usually female or the male out of females so we decided me for some random reason and it also said that it can control anyone or anything to do what ever they want and what ever form. I new what I wanted straight away. So after that my mum sent me to the shop I called up Tony and told him to meet me up the shop cause I need to speak to him once I got the raw meet tony came along I took him a side from the others and whisper in his ear in ten minuets u will ask me out in front of everyone. Once I took the shopping home we all went down the big park , I sat on the basket swing then he called me I sat up he took my hand and asked me out I said yes then we kissed.

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