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Appology If only i could decribe it you how i feel, if only there were any actions i could take. If only you could see what i see and feel how i felt, When i wrote those things about you which i never meant. Thoese same words are hunting me to my bed, when i am sleeping or when i am awake. I know i was wrong, i can't deny it but never had i ever imagined that its consequences would lead to this brutal akwardness and shame. Now i have no one else to blame nor i have any where to hide. This guilt chases me every where i go ! Is this gonna lead us to our end ? I don't know . But if you feel that i am not deserving of your friendship then i would happily let you go. I will have no complaints but unimaginery regrets if that is what you seek. You were the closet thing that existed to me yet why do i feel i can't even feel your shadow . I m sorry my friend cuz i could'nt be the friend you deserved. Not even close . For all the sorrow i gave to you, you only forgave and lighted me up. Everyting is realised after its completely gone. #truedat, #appology, #realise , #mistake

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