Supreme Emperor (Conclusion) It wasn't long before we approached the square; I stepped out first and cautiously surveyed the area, searching earnestly for would-be assassins. Satisfied, I signalled to his highness that it was safe for him to exit the carriage. He stepped out of the carriage, completely unarmed and adorned with fine cloth and precious jewels; and in moments two Mages and the rest of his personal guard joined us. The Lord Emperor and his entourage proceeded towards the podium, but not before he spoke a few words to the Mages. Before we reached the podium, the Mages approached me: "The Lord Emperor wants to secure your fealty." They informed me. "I have been a most faithful subject, what more does he want from me?" I responded. "He has your blade, but he also wants your heart." They replied and I repressed a sneer, he would never have that, I thought; and didn't notice the mumblings of a spell. I wasn't expecting what happened next and perhaps that was why it was so effective, but they cast a spell upon me and I was like two minds within one. A part of me still detested the vile Emperor, but there was a new part that spewed an undying love, which betrayed my true heart. The Mages smiled and took their leave, rejoining his highness. I was his completely and there was nothing that I could do, so long as he lived I would be a slave to his will; I was compelled to kill any who attacked the Lord Emperor. That was when I had a thought as to the true purpose of his appearance at Port Goodwill's square, was he planning on compelling the whole city? I found myself wondering where the other Mages were, and their absence confirmed my suspicion. They were probably hidden within the city walls, preparing to cast their spell. I shook my head as I thought of the power he would wield; he would control all the families of this city and consequently the inherit high concentration of ambient magic that made the site of this city special. Besides the access to raw power, he would also control one of the most important ports on the continent, the largest Trade Houses and of course the Tower of One, which housed the original Book of Logos and the ruling seat of this world's most influential religion. Alas, there was little that I could do... We stepped unto the podium and the two Mages stood at either end, weaving magic and preparing a protective shield for the Emperor's safety; and before long the crowd gathered around us. The Lord Emperor stepped forward and began his address, while the Mages finalised their spell. Suddenly, a solitary individual launched herself from within the crowd before us. She was swift and before any of the guards had reacted, she launched a precisely aimed blade at The Lord Emperor, and blood flowed freely from the open wound on his neck, even as he pressed his hand firmly over the cut. The Mages prepared to cast a different spell, but they were felled by the assassin's accomplices and before I fully comprehended the situation the assassin fell upon The Lord Emperor; who stumbled away, trying to cast a spell to preserve his #life. That was when the compulsion took hold and I drew my blade and attacked the assassin, even as the Emperor's #life blood poured out from his fatal wound. But try as I did, I couldn't stop my attack on the assassin. I unleashed my formidable skills and training, and I put my strength and speed behind each swing; and just as I struck the fatal blow the compulsion left me. The Lord Emperor was dead, killed by his own hubris and thirst for power, and now the assassin's accomplices advanced upon me. I dropped my blade and fell to my knees, and I lifted my eyes to the sky, praying for the safety of my family; I silently wondered about the fate of the world that I would soon be leaving behind. I gazed deep into the sky above; it is said that when we live The Witness watches our lives, so that our tale can be retold in our own words when we die, and so live on forever... I smiled and I felt even happier with the hope that my family would live, and I, through them. The people were free and their champion, the assassin was dead, brought down by my blade... My hands. If only things were different and I hadn't been compelled, I thought, they would never believe me... Tears poured freely down my cheeks as I accepted that I would never again hold my wife, nor hear the laughs of my children. And yet I also smiled because I knew that this way, there was a chance that my family would live and die free. It was not my wish to live, so that they may be hunted... I felt the cold steel pierce me with little resistance and the crowd erupted. I remained as I was, taking in the sight of the clear sky above and reliving my joyful memories, as the gift of #life left me. The End © 2013 by Pthasse Amadeus
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