Translate   11 years ago

Advice With Boys 1. Be your self don't change your self and don't act like a mean girl. 2.don 't always judge a boy by his looks he could be selfish and stubborn. So get to know him first. 3. Always have confidence around him. 4. Always listen to him even if its boring!!!!! Because, then he knows that your interested in him. 5. Sometimes flick your hair. 6. Try and always look your best. 7. At moments play hard to get. 8. Make sure he is comfortable with you around. If not your freaking him out!!!! 9. Make sure you defiantly love him otherwise, even though you might just date for the sake of it make sure you love his personality and appearance. 10. If on a date make sure you wear a suitable dress incase of food or drink accidents or pack a spare dress in your bag. 11. This may be helpful if wearing high heels on a date always bring converses or flat shoes so you can actual walk when you've had to much to drink. 12. The most important thing is to have fun.

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