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My Way ~TheBlurb~ 17year old Grace moves to Australia with her family, after her dad gets a promotion. But what she doesnt know what lies ahead of her, when she starts her new private school. There will be awesome friendships, relationships, reall funny moments and heartbreaking desicions. ____________________________________________________________ CHAPTER1. It has been exactly three months now, since I moved over to Australia with my family to live permanently. Dad was given a promotion to work over in here we are. I threw my last packing box over by the door and lay down on my bed with a thump. "Finally!" I sighed as I moved my hair out my face. It has taken me about 2 weeks to sort out these boxes! I looked around my new room, fully decorated with lovely blue and white colours and all new furniture! I came across my new school uniform hanging on the back of my door, ready for next week. It's saturday and I start 'Penola' monday. I was starting to get nervous, but I put that aside as i checked the time on my phone /16:30pm. I got up and wondered downstairs. 'Hi." I said as I walked into the kitchen where my mom was. She was cooking the dinner. My sister sat at the breakfast bar, on my moms iPad, watching these boys mess around in shopping centres. I took my phone out my back pocket and put it on the breakfast bar as i sat on the seat next to my sister. "Hi, sweetie." she looked up from chopping up some vegetables and smiled at me. Then put the vegetables into a salad bowl. She started to dish up the food and walked over to us with our food. After I had eaten, i went back up to my room. I turned my laptop on and checked Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. Facebook was a waste if time as all my friends were still asleep in England. I checked out Twitter and spent ages being nosy. I had spent about over an hour on my laptop, and i was getting bored. So i decided on going in the shower. I let my hair dry naturally when i came out the shower and put my pj shorts on with a black vest top. I sat in bed, watching a film when my phone rang. I checked the time and it was about 9:40pm, making it about 8:40am in the UK. The caller was my bestfriend from England, Sam. She called me every week to catch up. "Hey sluuut! How are you?" She beamed down the phone, which made me laugh. "Hi fishh, im good thanks, how about you? Hows it without me?" I smirked as i answered. I heard her laugh. "Haha,good and yeah,im alright. Starting to really miss you now, we all are Gee!" Her voice went to a mummur. DON'T CRY! We talked on the phone for about an hour and decided to call it a night and catch up with her on Monday via Skype. CHAPTER 2 I stood looking at myself in the mirror wearing my new school uniform. It looked nice actually. (All the girls have to wear dresses for their uniform, which is ok in this country because of the weather obviously). I brushed my hair and teeth and put my hair in a messy bun. Then i added some eyeliner and mascara. I sat on my bed to put on my shoes. I looked nice for once! I had about an hour before i had to be at school, so i checked my phone and saw i had a message from Sam *GOOD LUCK AT YOUR NEW SCHOOL. HAVE A LOVELY DAY, LOVE AND MISS YOU BEAUTIFUL. Sam* I smiled, but didnt reply. My mom was a new teacher at my school (a year 7 teacher) so we went in the car together. At the school, everyone was with someone, no-one was standing by themselves. GREAT... "Are you alright,Gee?" My mom asked as she saw what I looking at. I nodded as a reply and got out the car. The bell rang as i entered the school, my mom had gone to the staff room which left me walking by myself. -Bump- "Damn." I jumped as I bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry." I bent down, to help the girl I bumped into. "Dont worry about it," She smiled at me. "My name is Lily. Your're the new girl I guess?" She asked me. "Yeah...My name is Grace.-" I said. The bell rang telling us to go to class. "What lesson you got first?" She said as we started walking down the corridor. "I have no idea, I'm trying to find the reception to get my timetable." I told her. She giggled. "I'll show you to reception." She smiled at me again and walked with me. I looked at my timetable: History first. "Where's History?" I looked at Lily and shrugged my shoulders. "I've got history," she grinned at me as she took my timetable out my hands to have a look, "and your in my class! Come on, we better hurry... our teacher doesnt like late arrivers." she rolled her eyes and i laughed. *** "Sorry were late miss,I helped Grace find reception so she could get her timetable." She told the teacher. The teacher looked up, she was old and had very chunky glasses. "Let's not have this happen again, please girls." She said to us both. We both nodded. Lily lead me over to her table, i sat down by her. These two girls turned around on the table infront of us. "Who's this then?" A girl asked, smiling at me then looking at Lily. "This is Grace, Grace this is Hayley. One of my bestfriends." Lily introduced me. "Hi." I said to Hayley friendly. Hayley beamed a big grin at me. "Cool, she's english!" Hayley squealed to Lily. She looked back at me, "Nice to meet you." Hayley said to me in a english accent. She did a good job with the accent. I laughed. WOW, THESE GIRLS ARE LOVELY! I'M NOT BY MYSELF! The morning went pretty well. My lessons so far were all with Lily and Hayley. "Oh," Lily whispered to me, as we sat in Maths. "I have more people to introduce you to at lunch." She winked at me and carried on with her work. AAHHH! After maths, we walked outside and met Hayley, who was sitting on the grass with this other girl. We both sat down and I got introduced to April. She was lovely, they all were. My first day has been amazing so far. We were talking about different foods in England, when two boys walked over and sat down. They were twins. "Here they are!" Lily said. I looked at her. "These are the gay boys I wanted to introduce you to! This is Luke and Jai Brooks." She said pointing at them telling who was who. They were gorgeous. WHAT WAS I SAYING! "Hi." Luke put his hand up and smiled. WOW, HIS ACCENT IS SEXY. "Hello." I said back and smiled. "Wow, I love your accent! English!" He said, getting up to high five me. I highfived back and nodded. "Awesome, well...guess i'll catch you later?" He said looking at all us girls. "Sure, gayboy. At the skatepark, yeah?" I laughed at Lily's nickname for him. He nodded and walked off with Jai. "D'you want yo come with us, Grace?" Hayley asked me. I nodded. "I'd love to, thankyou." I smiled at her as we got up to go to class. As we were walking to class, Lily stopped me. "I'm surprised at how you reacted over the boys, Gee." She nudged me. I looked at her, confused. "Why?" "You don't know who they are, do you?" She raised her eyebrows as I shook my head at her. "Babe...they are two members of the Janoskians. Those kids on Youtube!" She shook me, surprised. "And thats suppost to mean something because?" I'm so confused. She got put her phone and showed me a video of them AND THATS WHEN I REMEMBERED! My sister was watching them, that day I came downstairs. "OH MY GOD! YOU MEAN..-" I realised my voice was getting louder, so i tried to calm myself down. Lily just kept nodding at me and shaking me around. We managed to calm ourselves down before we got to class. After school, Lily, Hayley and April were all waiting for me by the gates. My mom caught up with me before I got to them. "Grace!" My mom called out after me. I turned around and waited for her to reach me. "How did your day go? I see you have made some friends." She said, gesturing to the girls behind me. I nodded. "Yeah, and I'm going to walk home with them, if you don't mind anyway." I said to her. She told me it was fine and walked over to the girls. It turns out Lily lives down the road from me, Hayley lives down the other road as April lived around the corner. Wow. "I will come call for you when we go out," she said to me as we got to my driveway, "I'll text you,yeah?" She smiled, hugged me and walked to her house. She was coming for me at about 5:15pm. Which give me time to get ready and fit in some homework. CHAPTER 3 I did my maths homework, then got ready to meet Lily. I kept my hair in my bun as i got changed. I wore my skinny jeans, vest top with my vans. I decided to just leave my hair natural down, so i brushed it but put a hair tie round my wrist with my bracelets. I reached for my phone and went to go. The doorbell rang and i answered "See ya mom, going out for a bit." I shouted through the house and closed the door behind me. We walked to Hayley's house where her and April were sitting on the wall outside. We all gave eachother hugs and walked round the corner to the skatepark. At the skatepark, was a park and ramps. The lads were on the ramps with their skateboards. Lily was linked arms with me as we walked over to them. Luke came over when he saw us. "Hi." He said holding his skateboard and smiling at us. "Hi." We all said together. Lily dragged me over to sit on one of the edge of the ramps. We sat and talked while we watched Hayley and April steal skateboards and skate around on them. They are good too. "Can you skate?" I asked Lily, she laughed and shook her head. I laughed. "Me neither." We got up and walked over to the swings. But as we were walking over, the girls jumped on us and we started messing around the grass, soaking up the last bit of the sun before it went down. We sat crossed legged on the grass, talking about the twins. April brought up about the others lads too who are in the Janoskians, so we ended talking about that aswell. As we were talking, Luke came over and sat with us. Jai did too. "The boys are coming over now." Luke said as he took a swig of my water, which i was fine with. "Beau, Daniel and James..." Lily whispered in my ear. I frowned and smirked at her. We all started messing around and having different races ans competitions with eachother and it was so fun. I managed to win a few too. It wasnt long until Beau, Daniel and James turned up. Luke and Jai were tackled to the floor and us girls sat their laughing. Lily elbowed me on the side as I kept staring at Beau. OMG! HE WAS GORGEOUS! "Thats Beau, before you ask." She whispered in my ear. At that, they stopped and sat down with us on the grass. Beau fixed his snapback by taking it off and shaking his hair, to then put it back on. He looked at me and smiled, so i smiled back. "Whos the new girl, Lil?" Daniel asked, winking at me. I flushed and kept quiet as Lily introduced me. "Hi, I'm Skip." Daniel said to me. I'm guessing that was his nickname? "Arnt you going to introduce me? Or am I going to have to myself?" Beau asked, smirking at Lily. She laughed sarcastically. "Grace. This is Beau, Luke and Jai's elder brother. Beau this is Grace." She said. "Ah, thankyou. Your so kind,Lil! Nice to meet you." Beau said, smiling. WOW, HIS SMILE IS AMAZING. "Hi." I said to him and he gawped at me, his eyes widening. He smacked Luke's shoulder. "Dude, you faggot. You could told me." He whispered too loudly to Luke. I looked over at Lily and she just shrugged. Luke did the same to Beau and laughed. "You dickface." Beau said, shoving Luke, sending him backwards onto the grass. Luke laughed even more. Us girls got us as our bums were getting numb and headed for the swings, the boys stay sat down on the grass, watching us all walk off. "Why did Beau say that to Luke, earlier?" I asked Lily and the girls when i knew we were out of earshot. April shrugged and got out her phone. "I havn't a scoobies!" Hayley mummered, as she sat on a swing. I stood by April as Hayley and Lily sat on the swings. We took some photos on our phones of all of us. We put out phones on the bench and took one of all of us. I put it as my lockscreen on my iPhone. Throughout the time we were there, we did all sorts. We had piggy back races and it was so fun. We stayed out until really late, so me and the girls rushed back home. CHAPTER 4 I was able to manage a complete whole week, successfully without no drama and I now have some of the bestest friends anyone could possibly wish for. They were just amazing. Me and Lily turned around the corner, as we walked to our second lesson of the day. " has your first whole week been then at Penola?" Lily elbowed me and giggled. I giggled too. "It has been pretty good. I have made some wicked friends and everything so far, like living over here is going perfectly!" I nudged her back and we laughes together. As we walked into the classroom, we both stopped at stared across to the far end of the room, to see our table taken. I looked at Lily, but she didnt look at me back. Her eyes were kept fixed onto the girl who was laughing with her friends. She suddenly stormed over to the girls at our table, where we have been sitting since I started school here. "These seats are taken!" Lily scowled at the girls sitting down. The girls stopped what they were doing and looked up at Lily towering over them. "Too bad, were sitting here. Why dont you go find somewhere else to sit,yeah?" The girl rolled her eyes and started twiddling her bleached blonde hair which looked so bad. Her too 'fake' tanned face was patchy all over and everything about her was just cringy. "Look, just move." Lily asked them, but I could tell she knew they wernt going to move. The teacher walked through as i was about to say something to Lily. "What are you girls doing!?" The teacher called out as he walked to his desk. Lily looked at the teacher. "Nothing, Sir." She replied to him in a mummur, grabbed my arm and sat down at a spare table over the other side. She didnt really speak to me that lesson. "Are you okay?" I asked her. She nodded. "Yeah, I just dont like her at all. She is bad news to us lot." She said in a low mummur. "I'm so sorry." I said, helping them pick up their books.

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