Translate   11 years ago

Missing Love As I lay Awake in my bed looking at ceiling wondering where my true love is at or will i ever meet her stomach churns my head is pounding my heart is breaking wondering if I will spend this whole #life with no true love not a Band-Aid or a one night stand I want that love that makes you feel like your #life is complete when you open your eyes and look at her the first thing in the morning And knowing this is the person you want to spend your #life with will i ever find this true love again i wants had it when i was 15 a long long time ago but let it go I knew at that time this person would be the one I would want to spend my #life with But like any other teenager I let it go hoping that one day it would come back but never did i didn't know what I had until I let it go. Just remember true love is like seeing Haleys comet it only happens once in your #lifetime so when you do have it Cherish it the good times and the bad times so try to live a #life with love only then will #life feel complete.

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