Once Upon A Time... Once upon a time their was a little princess with long light brown hair and hazel eyes, she was happy all the time. Dancing with the wind in the farming fields, humming lullabies down the halls and reading books in the study room. But one day when the little princess was playing with her tiny new brother she heard a loud noise come from down the hall. Putting her little brother in his crib, she went to see what had happen. By the time the little princess got to the door that the sound was coming from the hall became voices, two, one male the other female. Slowly the little princess opened the big wooden door to peek through. She watch as the the king and queen started to yell at each, saying horrid words, that the little princess was told never to repeat. She stood their out of pure fear and watched 'til she couldn't any more and raced down the corridors. As she sprinted down the hallways passing maids and serving men, each had the same expression and confusion smeared on their faces. They had never seen the little princess cry before. Soon the little princess would wake in the chilly dead of night to hear more screaming from the king and queen and even the sound of things breaking. Then one day while the little princess was playing with her little brother a maid came into the room. She knelt down to the little prince and put him in his crib for a nap. Then she turned to the little princess, grasped her hand and took her to her room. Once in her room the maid sat next to the little princess on her bed. Suddenly the sound of big boots sounded near the door and more yelling. The maid took her pale hands and covered the little princess's ears, trying but to no avail, to block the noise. "I've had enough of your lies, women! No more will I hear of them, no more! I am taking my leave and never coming back to this castle again!" The little princess gasped at how angry the king sounded, she had never heard him so mad. Then came the sound of lighter footsteps near the door. "Then go now you old cow! No body here wants you, it'd be a blessing to the whole castle!" The queen screeched. Then the sound of footsteps were heard both going different ways. In a week's time the little princess and her brother were called to the queen's chamber's. The little princess carried her little prince brother in her arms carefully. The queen put on both of their over coats on. "Mama!? Where are we going?" The little princess squeaked. The queen made a quick face of disgust as if she had just smelled rotten fruit. "You'll be heading to your father's for a few days." She stated, placing a small hat on the young prince, making him giggle. "But doesn't father live here? He lives here with us?" the little princess asked. The queen gave her daughter a stern look. "He does not any more. And do not speak of him in front of me. He is a cheating, lying, no good dead dog!" The little princess was shocked to hear her queen say that about her own king. For three days and two nights the little princess would stay with the king at a castle on the other side of the kingdom. And the ride their wasn't happy for the little princess, her brother didn't seem to mind since mother had just gotten him a new toy to play with. The ride was long and bumpy in the horse carriage and usually one of the queen's or king's right hand man would drive the cart and talk behind the back of their the king or queen. This went on for fourteen years of the little princess's #life. But now being a young women she saw what the damage that was being done to her kingdom with the king and queen not getting along. The princess didn't like how her people felt so very sad. So the princess did everything she could do with the power she had to help the people who needed help. The princess would help little kids learn to read under the willow trees in the farming fields. The princess would also go to the rescue if an older person was having trouble carrying luggage. The people of her kingdom were very happy, and kind to her. The princess in returned smiled for her people to know that she loved them like her own family. But thing took a turn for the worst with the fighting between the king and queen. The princess was caught in the cross hairs of their disagreements. The princess became very upset and slowly started to drift away no physically, but mentally. The princess still put on a smile when ever she is around her people, to let them know that things were fine. The princess grew weaker everyday, with having to put on an act of being happy when all the princess wanted to do was curl up in bed and cry 'til she shouldn't anymore. But she didn't want her people to see her in such a state. She knew her people needed a strong princess and she wasn't going to let them down. Even though it was killing her inside. One night as the princess was in her chamber room at her mother's castle she heard her window open. Rubbing her tears stained face with a pale hand she turned and looked over at the window. But no one was there. Sitting up she hugged her blankets to her chest, and looked around the cold room. "Hello?" He whispered. There was a sudden movement in the shadows of her room and she let out a scream, pulling the worn blankets over her head. "Do not fear me." A voice said. Reluctantly the princess pulled the covers to reveal her big watery hazel eyes. She saw a shadow sitting at the edge of her bed, it moved closer to her seeing the being in the full#moonlight. It was darker than black, with pointed ears and short stubbly horns and had skin like a human. It had huge claws and a pointed tail, and walked like a wounded animal. It had bright, vivid green eyes. The creature sat next to her feet, it was the size of a dog, and pointed its tipped tail at her. "You wish to make people happy, yes?" It asked. The princess could see its sharp teeth poking out of its mouth. She blinked, slowly nodding her head. The creature laughed, "Well then, I can help!" It said smiling. The princess drew he legs up to her chest, hugging them. "Why would you do that?" He asked softly. "Because I love to help, why else!" It cackled. The creature held out his clawed hand, swirling it around. The princess watched as a small statue appeared from the swirling shadows of the creature's hand. He handed it over to her and she took it. "To make everyone happy, all you have to do is make a tiny cut on the statue's sword." The creature said his eyes looking at her expectedly. The princess looked down at the stashed studying it. It was of a knight, covered in armor and holding a sword up in the air, as if he had just won a battle. The princess held the item close to her. "A-Are you sure. E-everyone in my kingdom will be happy?" She wanted to make sure. The creature nodded, "Of course young princess, but there is one condition you must agree to." He said, gesturing to herself. "In term for making everyone happy in your kingdom, you will switch places with the knight. The knight statue will trade souls with you and you will be sealed in the statue instead. The knight will protect everyone and anyone in your kingdom." The creature placed a hand on her hand, "That is the price. What will you do?" It asked. The princess looked down at the statue, for a moment. "Everyone will be happy..." She mumbled to herself. She took a quick glance at the creature touching her hand, and with the other cut her thumb on the blade of the knight's sword. She winced at the slight pain when, then she suddenly felt cold. The statue started to glow red and the princess gasped. The creature let go of her hand and took the statute laughing. The princess's soul was switched with the knight's. Inside the statute the princess could see herself, now sleeping soundly on her bed. The creature placed her down on the small table next to her bed. "Now, you will watch forever at how happy your people will be!" It cheered, jumping around the room, and clapping its hand. It bid the princess farewell before disappearing. Princess realized what she had done and started to cry. She could no longer run around the stone hallways, no longer play with her little brother. She could no longer receive a hug, or a kiss from her mother or father! She cried for a long time before she saw herself move on her bed. When she rolled over she saw that her eyes were dull, and distant looking. "For your whole kingdom to be happy, you yourself can not be." The soul of the knight said. It only made her cry harder. When the early day light entered her room, she saw the knight move and pick her up. The knight brought out and around the castle. She saw the servants, and her little brother when they passed his room. The knight brought her up to the highest point of the castle. The knight placed her on the window sill. "Here. A view of the kingdom you love." It said. Then it turned and left, locking the door. If the princess could she'd scream until she lost her voice, but all she could do was cry to herself. The view was breathtaking to anyone looking at it, but now it was out of her reach. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't do a thing. Soon night came again, again, again. And there she stood, and there she stands for the rest of eternity. Watching the happy people of her kingdom go on with there lives, while she stands there looking over them from her tower, alone...forever.