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Son Of The Seas 5 "You're late." Stated a tall man in fire uniform looking down his nose at us. We had just got to the cellars when I saw him. He had slick black hair tied backwards in a ponytail and I couldn't help but to look at the floor guiltily. "Dawn, I expected more from you." He said angrily, my gaze was instantly drawn to her but she turned away in hatred. " you there," he shouted, pointing at one of the students near the pit "show the two rascals here what we have just been practising." "Y-yes sir. " stuttered the girl who looked about 10 years old. She walked over to the edge of the pit and stretched her arm out into the heat, surprisingly her arm stayed unburned, then she twisted her wrist in an upward direction and then froze her hand in a position that reminded me of Darth Vader using the force in Star Wars. She then stepped into the pit and to my amazement the lava below her rose up and formed a platform beneath her feet. The girl smiled bearing pearly white teeth and stepped back wards into the shadows. "Now you try." This time his long boney finger was pointing at me. I shook my head. "Do you deny my authority?" He questioned, he looked at me with a cold stare, one that I couldn't argue with and I walked up the stairs to the controlling platform. Dawn looked up from her tears realising what was happening. " But..." She started. "SILENCE," roared the fire tutor. Slowly I reached out my hand out but when it felt the heat my hand began to slowly fry itself. I completed the actions and yanked my almost toasted arm out of the wall of pain. A platform of lava waited for me patiently after being risen from its pit. I told myself I would be fine just like that girl from earlier, but part of me knew I was wrong. I extended my left leg onto the platform and... "Aaaaaaaargh" I screamed in pain, my vision blurred as I stumbled over backwards into some students waiting behind me. Other screams joined mine making a ghostly choir. Dawn and myself in a duet, our cries far louder than anyone elses. I tried to find the source of the hell I was experiencing. I looked up to see Dawn on the floor blood pouring from her shoulder, the fire tutor looming over her with a bloody knife. I looked down towards where my left foot used to be. Nothing but a seemingly endless stream of blood gushing out of my leg. My voice died I tried to scream some more but I had already lost consciousness.

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