Translate   11 years ago

Review: The Hunger Games The hunger games I recently finished reading the trilogy, three books written by Suzanne Collins, it is odd, to say the least... But is has affected my quite deeply, the plot, delivery and full force of her writing. The story is told through the eyes of Katniss Everdeen, a girl at the age of 16 living in a world set in a time somewhere in the distant future of America. The book cares little for futuristic clichés of starships and lasers. But about an oppressive government situated in a place called the Capitol, with 12 districts surrounding them, all the districts are essentially areas that survive on a particular trade that is fed to the Capitol (timber, fish, coal) And then there is the hunger games, hard to describe but what the film makes of it is: "From the treaty of the treason. In pennance for their uprising each district shall offer up a male and female between the ages of 12 to 18 at a public 'reaping.' These tributes shall be delivered to the custody of the Capitol. And then transferred to a public arena where they will fight to the death, until a lone victor remains. Henceforth and forevermore this pagent shall be known as the hunger games" Through a cruel twist of fate Katniss ends up in the hunger games, then after surviving it by defying the Capitol in an unconscious act of rebellion... Starts a revolution, which she is the face of. The story is incredible, Collins manages to make you empathise so well with the characters that you genuinely feel for them. Although the plot can be tedious in places, the main characters end up in hospital countless times, and you can see that Katniss goes through the kind of trauma I doubt anyone on earth could imagine, and by the middle of the third book you realise that so much has happened, that there can't really be a happy ending. This is really the case, as the book progresses it becomes more and more depressing. The feeling at the end of the book was warm- but leaves you hollow and downbeat. The plot is amazing, but heavy. One word to describe te hunger games: Depressing

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