The Vampire Secret *Chapter 4* Everyone was in the living room. And I mean everyone. I walked in and mum gave me a stern look. "I'm sorry for scaring you Tallie," Bella apologised. Tallies bottom lip shuddered. "Then DON'T believe me!!" Bella screamed as she ran out of the room. "Everyone, skiddadle," Mum told us. "We can all play in my room today," Tallie told Max, Saffie and Olly. They all scuttled out of the room with mum and dad, which left me, Justin and Deli in the living room. "Can you believe her??" Justin asked me. "Believe what??" I asked him dumbfounded. "Duh," Deli butted in, "Why were you helping her with a Halloween costume??" I was a much better lier than Bella, so I said, "Y'know our sis, never takes no for an answer." Deli and Justin nodded in agreement and left the room. We are so dead in our midnight vamp chat. --------------------------------- I woke up with a jolt, my auto midnight alarm had shocked me. It's a vampire alarm that shocks you at midnight for your vamp chat. I plodded downstairs and into the kitchen. Mum wanted some 'alone' time with Bella. For some reason or other. --------------------------------- I woke up at about 70. School today, yay!! (Not) I put on my favourite batwing t-shirt and put on blue tie-dye leggings with a denim waistcoat. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. "Hi Mum. Hi Deli." Dad was in work 50am - 90pm on weekdays. "Hi honey," replied my mum. "Hi sis, what d'ya want on your sandwiches??" Deli asked me. "Um..... Chocolate spread please." Deli nodded. I walked into the living room to find Justin doing some last minute homework assignments. Max, Tallie, Olly and Saffie were watching a programme on the telly and Bella was no where to be seen. "Justin-" "Can't talk. Need an A+" I sat down next to Max, "Max, do you know where Bella is??" He shrugged, "I think she went early to school." I nodded then a thought came to me... Andy. She couldn't vamp me so I didn't know what her answer was. "Max, if anyone asks I forgot my bag and I'm looking for it in my room. Ok??" I asked him. "I'll remember!!" Tallie told me. I smiled at her and she smiled back. I walked out of my room then used my super fast vampire power to get to my lair in under a second. "Come on. Boot up. Come on. Boot up." I chanted as I repeatedly pressed the on button on a tracking system in my lair. I searched Bella. .... (Searching)....... FOUND - came up on the screen. I tapped : LOOK And what I saw shocked me, not a little but a lot. 3 words: BELLA AND ANDY

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